我就做了gwd31+prep+og三本 作文,说实话,我一篇都没练过,就是老公写了几篇,我看了看,然后准备了模板,结果考试就吃亏了, 不是打字跟不上,我打字比较快的,以前工作每天都是英文打字. 主要是没有那种短时间分析的思维. 还是和平时没练习有点关系. argument还好,我还能分析下, issue碰到了个没主意的,短时间又想不起来,所以只好硬着头皮写,结果最后一分钟才写完,都没检查. aa就是music store 和clothing store那题 ai是all citizens should be perform a specified amount of public service. such service would benefit not only the country as a whole but also the individual participants.
2.一个人走的第一断路程是n,比走的第二段路程长18(忘记了,但给的是具体值), 第一断路程平均速度s, 比第二段路程少5(也不记得了,但给的具体值),问你如果第一段路程用时比第二断路程用时长,问你第二断路程比第一断路程节约多少时间. 这题很简单,会读就会做. 3. x, y都是整数, xy^3是even number,问你以下哪个must be even number A. x^2 B.y^2 C. x^4y^4 剩下两个想不起来了,不好意思. 其他完整的实在想不起来了,都是些片段, 不完整就不发了,我会看同期tx的jj,希望能有助于我回忆.数学只要静下心来做,一定没问题的. 我是数学菜鸟都考49.
GWD31-35 A consortium of historically Black colleges in the United States capitalizing on such schools traditionally rich relationships with African nations, integrates African concerns into an international business study
A. capitalizing on such school’ traditionally rich relationships with African nations B. while capitalizing on the traditionally rich relationships of such schools and African nations C. through capitalizing on such schools’ and African nations’ traditionally rich relationships D. which capitalize on the traditionally rich relationships of such schools and African nations E. in capitalizing on such schools’ and African nations’ traditionally rich relationship