
标题: 六月二十八日下午 720 数学93%,verbal 80% [打印本页]

作者: xzbx    时间: 2010-6-28 18:47
标题: 六月二十八日下午 720 数学93%,verbal 80%

p1 说W这个人研究女性的不婚主义,一种popular的观点是(不是W的观点)说Q家族的女性喜欢把不婚主义的文章写在书里,然后在上流社会和中产阶级中传播,后来这些书被学校借去了,就在下层社会中传播开来了。
p2 W观点,高亮,其实学校并不是主要的传播方式。根据W对学校人各种因素的研究,发现要读懂这些书需要年以上的教育时间,但是这个学校里面三年以上并来自于下层社会的学生只有17个人,不足以说明学校是不婚主义的传播者。事实上(作者观点)不婚的各种文学作品在下层社会中早就流传开来了。

主题型的题目考得比较多,问了文章的主旨,我选了explain W这个人的观点,其他的选项都是refute W这个人的观点
还有问了,哪点可以反驳W的观点(高亮第二段第一句,就是popular观点overstate 学校在传播这种观点中的作用)我选择了参加学校的人在入学前接受过1-2年的教育

p2. 后来科学家发现其实某一种热带树树可以通过好像是x ray(不记得了)的方法看到他们的年轮的。这种方法比起同位素的好处是它们只要一个中午的时间就可以测出年龄,而同位素往往需要很长的时间。后面的不记得了。。好像是说这个方法还可以看到以前的气候变化的。
p3, 这个新的方法是不是可以应用到其他热带树还需要进一步证明1. 其他的热带树是不是也可以用这个新方法看出树轮,2. 就是在干旱的时候会不会影响树轮(这句的意思不是特别明白),这两点要好好看,有考点。
同位素方法和新方法的比较,我选了同位素的方法is better estabilished

p1介绍了这个指标,比如Var=500 million,说明这个公司的loss不会超过500 million. VaR这个指标主要用来反映短期的risk.这个指标的好处是它考虑了各种variables,比如震荡,leverage等等(这里有考题)另外每天market close的时候,mgr就可以知道当天Var是多少了。主要都在说明VaR的好处。
p2.VaR的应用。好像是说national的regulation body要求VaR要disclouse出来的。还有就是说国际的Regulation body规定,公司可以自行通过VaR来决定他们的capital reserve.比如如果VaR很低,说明他们的风险低,这样就可以减少应对风险的Capital Reserve.


题库里的:perserve natural environment是个人的责任还是政府的责任

公司6月份因为把豪华车辆放在show room最明显的地方,同时对豪华车辆进行了广告宣传,6月份的各种型号的汽车销量都上升了。但是2月份,公司对普通型号的车辆进行宣传,销量很不好。因此要提高公司的profit(注意这里,不是revenue)公司应该采取同样的策略,把豪华车放在show room的明显位置以吸引更多potential customer来买车。
作者: ste1013    时间: 2010-6-28 18:53
tai xie xie le
作者: windypig123    时间: 2010-6-28 18:56
NN 啊 啊啊啊  CONGS
作者: zy900303    时间: 2010-6-28 18:58
thx a million!
作者: feiyun89    时间: 2010-6-28 19:00
作者: zy900303    时间: 2010-6-28 19:00
作者: Hugsy    时间: 2010-6-28 19:02
作者: zy900303    时间: 2010-6-28 19:03
作者: xzbx    时间: 2010-6-28 19:09


   In a 1984 book, Claire C, Robertson argued that, before colonialism, age was a more important indicator of status and authority than gender in Ghana and in Africa generally. British colonialism imposed European- style male dominant notions upon more egalitarian local situations to the detriment of women generally, and gender became a defining characteristic that weakened women’s power and authority.

  Subsequent research in Kenya convinced Robertson that she had overgeneralized  about Africa. Before colonialism, gender was more salient  in central Kenya than it was in Ghana, although age was still crucial in determining authority. In contrast with Ghana, where women had traded for hundreds of years and achieved legal majority (not unrelated phenomena), the evidence regarding central Kenya indicated that women were legal minors and were sometimes treated as male property, as were European women at that time. Factors like strong patrilinearity and patrilocality, as well as women’s inferior land rights and lesser involvement in trade, made women more dependent on men than was generally the case in Ghana. However, since age apparently remained the overriding principle of social organization in central Kenya, some senior women had much authority. Thus, Robertson revised her hypothesis somewhat, arguing that in determining authority in precolonial Africa age was a primary principle that superseded gender to varying degrees depending on the situation.
-- by 会员 zy900303 (2010/6/28 19:00:51)

作者: Joshwu    时间: 2010-6-28 19:12
作者: mikiluang    时间: 2010-6-28 19:12
作者: zy900303    时间: 2010-6-28 19:18


   In a 1984 book, Claire C, Robertson argued that, before colonialism, age was a more important indicator of status and authority than gender in Ghana and in Africa generally. British colonialism imposed European- style male dominant notions upon more egalitarian local situations to the detriment of women generally, and gender became a defining characteristic that weakened women’s power and authority.

  Subsequent research in Kenya convinced Robertson that she had overgeneralized  about Africa. Before colonialism, gender was more salient  in central Kenya than it was in Ghana, although age was still crucial in determining authority. In contrast with Ghana, where women had traded for hundreds of years and achieved legal majority (not unrelated phenomena), the evidence regarding central Kenya indicated that women were legal minors and were sometimes treated as male property, as were European women at that time. Factors like strong patrilinearity and patrilocality, as well as women’s inferior land rights and lesser involvement in trade, made women more dependent on men than was generally the case in Ghana. However, since age apparently remained the overriding principle of social organization in central Kenya, some senior women had much authority. Thus, Robertson revised her hypothesis somewhat, arguing that in determining authority in precolonial Africa age was a primary principle that superseded gender to varying degrees depending on the situation.
-- by 会员 zy900303 (2010/6/28 19:00:51)

-- by 会员 xzbx (2010/6/28 19:09:21

作者: zy900303    时间: 2010-6-28 19:21
GWD 21-Q15 to Q18:

     In her account of unmarried women’s experiences in colonial Philadelphia, Wulf argues that educated young women, particularly Quakers, engaged in resistance to patriarchal marriage by exchanging poetry critical of marriage, copying verse into their commonplace books.  Wulf suggests that this critique circulated beyond the daughters of the Quaker elite and middle class, whose commonplace books she mines, proposing that Quaker schools brought it to many poor female students of diverse backgrounds.
     Here Wulf probably overstates Quaker schools’ impact.  At least three years’ study would be necessary to achieve the literacy competence necessary to grapple with the material she analyzes. In 1765, the year Wulf uses to demonstrate the diversity of Philadelphia’s Quaker schools, 128 students enrolled in these schools.  Refining Wulf’s numbers by the information she provides on religious affiliation, gender, and length of study, it appears that only about 17 poor non-Quaker girls were educated in Philadelphia’s Quaker schools for three years or longer.  While Wulf is correct that a critique of patriarchal marriage circulated broadly, Quaker schools probably cannot be credited with instilling these ideas in the lower classes.  opular literary satires on marriage had already landed on fertile ground in a multiethnic population that embodied a wide range of marital beliefs and practices.  These ethnic- and class-based traditions themselves challenged the legitimacy of patriarchal marriage.

作者: zy900303    时间: 2010-6-28 19:23
Q15: The primary purpose of the passage is to
A.    argue against one aspect of Wulf’s account of how ideas critical of marriage were disseminated among young women in colonial Philadelphia
B.    discuss Wulf’s interpretation of the significance for educated young women in colonial Philadelphia of the poetry they copied into their commonplace books
C.    counter Wulf’s assertions about the impact of the multiethnic character of colonial Philadelphia’s population on the prevalent views about marriage
D.    present data to undermine Wulf’s assessment of the diversity of the student body in Quaker schools in colonial Philadelphia
E.    challenge Wulf’s conclusion that a critique of marriage was prevalent among young women of all social classes in colonial Philadelphia
Q16: According to the passage, which of the following was true of attitudes toward marriage in colonial Philadelphia?
A.    Exemplars of a critique of marriage could be found in various literary forms, but they did not impact public attitudes except among educated young women.
B.    The diversity of the student body in the Quaker schools meant that attitudes toward marriage were more disparate there than elsewhere in Philadelphia society.
C.    Although critical attitudes toward marriage were widespread, Quaker schools’ influence in disseminating these attitudes was limited.
D.    Criticisms of marriage in colonial Philadelphia were directed at only certain limited aspects of patriarchal marriage.
E.    The influence of the wide range of marital beliefs and practices present in Philadelphia’s multiethnic population can be detected in the poetry that educated young women copied in their commonplace books.
Q17: The author of the passage implies which of the following about the poetry mentioned in the first paragraph?
A.    Wulf exaggerates the degree to which young women from an elite background regarded the poetry as providing a critique of marriage.

B.    The circulation of the poetry was confined to young Quaker women.
C.    Young women copied the poetry into their commonplace books because they interpreted it as providing a desirable model of unmarried life.
D.    The poetry’s capacity to influence popular attitudes was restricted by the degree of literacy necessary to comprehend it.
E.    The poetry celebrated marital beliefs and practices that were in opposition to patriarchal marriage.

Which of the following, if true, would most seriously undermine the author’s basis for saying that Wulf overstates Quaker schools’ impact (lines 17-18)?
A.    The information that Wulf herself provided on religious affiliation and gender of students is in fact accurate.
B.    Most poor, non-Quaker students enrolled in Quaker schools had completed one or two years’ formal or informal schooling before enrolling.
C.    Not all of the young women whose commonplace books contained copies of poetry critical of marriage were Quakers.
D.    The poetry featured in young women’s commonplace books frequently included allusions that were unlikely to be accessible to someone with only three years’ study in school.
E.    In 1765 an unusually large proportion of the Quaker schools’ student body consisted of poor girls from non-Quaker backgrounds.

作者: BLinging    时间: 2010-6-28 19:28
In her account of unmarried women’s experiences in colonial Philadelphia, Wulf argues that educated young women, particularly Quakers, engaged in resistance to patriarchal marriage by exchanging poetry critical of marriage, copying verse into their commonplace books.Wulf suggests that this critique circulated beyond the daughters of the Quaker elite and middle class, whose commonplace books she mines, proposing that Quaker schools brought it to many poor female students of diverse backgrounds.

Here Wulf probably overstates Quaker schools’ impact.At least three years’ study would be necessary to achieve the literacy competence necessary to grapple with the material she analyzes. In 1765, the year Wulf uses to demonstrate the diversity of Philadelphia’s Quaker schools, 128 students enrolled in these schools.Refining Wulf’s numbers by the information she provides on religious affiliation, gender, and length of study, it appears that only about 17 poor non-Quaker girls were educated in Philadelphia’s Quaker schools for three years or longer.While Wulf is correct that a critique of patriarchal marriage circulated broadly, Quaker schools probably cannot be credited with instilling these ideas in the lower classes.Popular literary satires on marriage had already landed on fertile ground in a multiethnic population that embodied a wide range of marital beliefs and practices.These ethnic- and class-based traditions themselves challenged the legitimacy of patriarchal marriage.

Q15: The primary purpose of the passage is to

A. argue against one aspect of Wulf’s account of how ideas critical of marriage were disseminated among young women in colonial Philadelphia

B. discuss Wulf’s interpretation of the significance for educated young women in colonial Philadelphia of the poetry they copied into their commonplace books

C. counter Wulf’s assertions about the impact of the multiethnic character of colonial Philadelphia’s population on the prevalent views about marriage

D. present data to undermine Wulf’s assessment of the diversity of the student body in Quaker schools in colonial Philadelphia

E. challenge Wulf’s conclusion that a critique of marriage was prevalent among young women of all social classes in colonial Philadelphia

Q16: According to the passage, which of the following was true of attitudes toward marriage in colonial Philadelphia?

A. Exemplars of a critique of marriage could be found in various literary forms, but they did not impact public attitudes except among educated young women.

B. The diversity of the student body in the Quaker schools meant that attitudes toward marriage were more disparate there than elsewhere in Philadelphia society.

C. Although critical attitudes toward marriage were widespread, Quaker schools’ influence in disseminating these attitudes was limited.

D. Criticisms of marriage in colonial Philadelphia were directed at only certain limited aspects of patriarchal marriage.

E. The influence of the wide range of marital beliefs and practices present in Philadelphia’s multiethnic population can be detected in the poetry that educated young women copied in their commonplace books.

Q17: The author of the passage implies which of the following about the poetry mentioned in the first paragraph?

A. Wulf exaggerates the degree to which young women from an elite background regarded the poetry as providing a critique of marriage.

B. The circulation of the poetry was confined to young Quaker women.

C. Young women copied the poetry into their commonplace books because they interpreted it as providing a desirable model of unmarried life.

D. The poetry’s capacity to influence popular attitudes was restricted by the degree of literacy necessary to comprehend it.

E. The poetry celebrated marital beliefs and practices that were in opposition to patriarchal marriage.

Q18:Which of the following, if true, would most seriously undermine the author’s basis for saying that Wulf overstates Quaker schools’ impact (lines 17-18)?

A. The information that Wulf herself provided on religious affiliation and gender of students is in fact accurate.

B. Most poor, non-Quaker students enrolled in Quaker schools had completed one or two years’ formal or informal schooling before enrolling.

C. Not all of the young women whose commonplace books contained copies of poetry critical of marriage were Quakers.

D. The poetry featured in young women’s commonplace books frequently included allusions that were unlikely to be accessible to someone with only three years’ study in school.

E. In 1765 an unusually large proportion of the Quaker schools’ student body consisted of poor girls from non-Quaker backgrounds.


作者: yvonne880919    时间: 2010-6-28 19:37
作者: fishaha    时间: 2010-6-28 19:48
作者: Joshwu    时间: 2010-6-28 20:04
作者: forrestgan    时间: 2010-6-28 20:08
xinku xinku!!!
作者: hukeab    时间: 2010-6-28 20:11
作者: zhisnoopy    时间: 2010-6-28 20:24
verbal 80%是多少分?40??!!!
作者: annysweety    时间: 2010-6-28 20:26
作者: yizhutou1    时间: 2010-6-28 20:28
谢谢LZ的狗~~~~~~~~~我也想知道数学到底是个什么情况 好像大家情况都不妙....
作者: Joshwu    时间: 2010-6-28 20:43
作者: MaggieBabe    时间: 2010-6-28 21:24

作者: acrophobia    时间: 2010-6-28 21:50
作者: mecsid    时间: 2010-6-28 21:54
楼主好猛 好详细!
作者: joey19880204    时间: 2010-6-28 22:32
作者: ansonchan    时间: 2010-6-28 22:39
作者: dkajia    时间: 2010-6-28 23:25
作者: zliycdr    时间: 2010-6-29 00:01
这回三篇我都想不起古文额 悲剧...
作者: hsinq    时间: 2010-6-29 00:07
作者: 乔qiao99    时间: 2010-6-29 05:27
作者: 兔子妙    时间: 2010-6-29 05:55
我觉得咱们不应该把找到的原文贴在这儿,因为被出题部门的人看见可能会立即把此文章从裤中取消。我就说一下题号吧。我认为楼主指的第一篇文章是GWD 21-Q15 to Q18。
作者: icyblue    时间: 2010-6-29 13:33
太强大了    多谢啊
作者: venus2elva    时间: 2010-6-29 15:16
作者: 乔qiao99    时间: 2010-6-29 16:41
作者: cclovekg    时间: 2010-6-29 21:16
作者: jhkelly    时间: 2010-6-29 22:37
我觉得咱们不应该把找到的原文贴在这儿,因为被出题部门的人看见可能会立即把此文章从裤中取消。我就说一下题号吧。我认为楼主指的第一篇文章是GWD 21-Q15 to Q18。
-- by 会员 兔子妙 (2010/6/29 5:55:59)

哈哈可能 可能!!!
作者: 野渡渡    时间: 2010-6-30 07:50
LZ V5啊~给来点儿输血呗~我身后有一批童鞋等你的输血鸡嗷嗷待哺ING~
作者: fishaha    时间: 2010-6-30 08:01
作者: 倞咯咯    时间: 2010-6-30 16:50

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