
标题: 增求其他數學解法 [打印本页]

作者: hijenny    时间: 2010-6-24 23:45
标题: 增求其他數學解法
OG 12th Ds 120.
The annual rent collected by a corporation form a certain building was x percent more in 1998 than in 1997 and y percent less in 1999 than in 1998. Was the annual rent collected by the corporation from the building more in 1999 than in 1997?
1. x>y
2. xy/100< x-y

我的解法 設rent :R
x/100乘以R +R1997=R1998
R1998- R乘以y/100= R1999
R1998-R乘以y/100> R1998-R乘以x/100  
因此1 成立  可是答案 是B 也就是1 不成立  
作者: hijenny    时间: 2010-7-3 19:45

If p and n are positive integers and p > n, what is the remainder when p2 - n2 is divided by 15 ?

(1)The remainder when p + n is divided by 5 is 1.

(2)The remainder when p - n is divided by 3 is 1.



(1) p+n=5a+1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------insufficient

(2) p-n=3b+1 -----------------------------------------------------------------------insufficient

(1)(2)(p+n)(p-n)=(5a+1)(3b+1)=15ab+5a+3b+1 ---------------------------insufficient

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