标题: 陸月貳拾壹,2战 [打印本页] 作者: ryanwang 时间: 2010-6-21 21:45 标题: 陸月貳拾壹,2战 M51V30 作文:AA: 25 14.The following appeared as part of a newspaper editorial.“Two years ago Nova High School began touse interactive computer instruction in three academic subjects. The schooldropout rate declined immediately, and last year’s graduates have reported someimpressive achievements in college. In future budgets the school board shoulduse a greater portion of the available funds to buy more computers, and allschools in the district should adopt interactive computer instructionthroughout the curriculum.” AI: Forthe sake of national security, the governments should have the access to thelibrary checkout records and Internet activity history of their citizens. Discuss how well reasoned... etc.
数学 1.问3(^2^3)-3(^3^2)=? 我选(-2)3(^8)
狗里面45题目. V1一列数字,是经过改变符号排列在一起的,1,2,-3,-4,5,6,-7,-8,9,10,-11,-12,`````,n代表选取多少项,S代表所有项的和,问 S(n)=0的条件。 条件忘记了 ,好像要求一下 如果n能得 7 那么S 就能得0 记得 是选A V2 DS:说有一大堆数:1,2,-3,-4,5,6,-7,-8,9,10,-11,-12….就像这样两位变一下正负号,问什么忘了,好像是问n是几? (1)n是正整数,anda multiple of 4 (2)n好像也是正整数,anda multiple of. ***(数字忘了。。。) 补充一下.我遇到的是(1) 1 less thanmultiple of 4 (4的倍数减1) (2) 11 more than a multipleof 8 (8的倍数加11) 这题目我最后选了D..觉得2个都充分..