-- by 会员 zbb88 (2010/6/22 14:24:04)
That is absolutely true. Regarding your kids, the real decision is not whether or not they can get a western education or live in the U.S. for a while, the decision is whether or not you want your kids to be Americans? I have many ABC friends whose parents initially came here just to work. After their kids were born, they naturally sent them to American pre-schools, then K-12, then college...essentially raising a second generation that barely understands the Chinese language or culture. Of course, there are parents that send their kids to Sunday Chinese schools, but those lessons are soon forgotten because becoming mainstream here means becoming less Asian and more American.
Even multinational corporations want to hire Chinese locals for jobs in China now days, so there is almost no chance of foreign born kids returning to China. They will have to forge their own path in a white dominated society and try to find their own identity (and trust me it isn't easy. They are not Chinese, but they are not quite full-blown American either. They are just stuck in this mythical paradigm of the model minority). They will have to shoulder everything good or bad that comes along with living in a different country. Immigration is not as simple as "getting a better job" or "getting a better education". It means plucking your roots from one country and starting over in a different place. I think it was easier at the turn of the century when people were so poor and had little to lose. Now days it means giving up a lot more for a life that may or may not be better, and for one that you may or may not necessarily want.
I think this is what many people don't get. When they think about moving to a different country, they only think about reasons such as "oh the environment is less polluted there" or "oh the schools are better there". While those things are mostly true, living at a place is not like an a la carte menu, from which you can just pick the things you like. Immigration comes in a package. Are you willing to accept the cultural difference and isolation? Are you willing to give up the convenience you have now? Are you willing to raise your kids as citizens of another country, and have your future generations completely cutoff from your homeland? You better be, because all those come with the nicer air, the more stable job, and all the benefits. Just make sure you think through it.
-- by 会员 REgirl07 (2010/6/22 16:16:08)
-- by 会员 wwto (2010/6/21 8:06:10)
其实如果在加州,特别是硅谷一带生活还是挺不错的,如果是L1签证,好像申请绿卡特别快,反正我一哥们就是这么搞定的。另外,美国的生活成本没那么高。我觉得如果本来比较内向,而且喜欢钻研技术的人,在美国做技术绝对比在中国做轻松,工作量少而且容易,人际关系也比较简单(当然金融机构,尤其是投行就复杂的多)。要是一心想做大事,想往上走的人,那美国实在是不合适... 所以看人了,我觉得没有这么可怕,另外,在美国赚的钱还可以拿来还中国的房贷,呵呵... 对了,如果绿卡弄完了,可以去做IT咨询,那一年得有20万美元左右,当然技术的不错。哎,可惜俺就是不喜欢技术,所以没走这条路,现在还时不时的被当年的兄弟们嘲笑一把,说我就是受苦的命呀,谁叫我爱折腾呢...
-- by 会员 dtiger (2010/7/3 7:25:06)