1没看懂题目究竟让削弱什么,对impetus for the substantial prosperity 视而不见。选项一遍看过去,脑子里不知所云。
argument evaluation situation:tex cut was responsible for the prosperity reasoning:weaken the conclusion that the 1964 tax cut caused the later prosperity?两个时间同时发生,有可能并没有因果关系。证明另一个可能的原因来引起prosperity,如果美国的国际贸易之间的经济条件的改进引起对制造业商品的需求增长,便是可能的促使prosperity的因素,削弱原文。 A productive factories made possible by the tax cut ---support B improved economic conditions resulted in substantially increased damandfor manaufactured goods.-----提出他因? C the tax cut regulations concerning tax shelters that prompted investors--support D personal income after taxes rose--meas that the tax cut was respinsible for this increase E unemployment was relatively compared--be attributed the corporate tax cuts作者: 菲尔乐 时间: 2010-6-24 08:05
我今天再看的时候,又忘记了这个题的正确选项了,就好像不是我总结的。 哈哈,继续努力