The following appeared in a memorandum from the Director of Human Resources to the executive officers of Company X. “Last year, we surveyed our employees on improvements needed at Company X by having them rank, in order of importance, the issues presented in a list of possible improvements. Improved communications between employees and management was consistently ranked as the issue of highest importance by the employees who responded to the survey. As you know, we have since instituted regular communications sessions conducted by high-level management, which the employees can attend on a voluntary basis. Therefore, it is likely that most employees at Company X now feel that the improvement most needed at the company has been made.”
In this argument, the author reaches the conclusion that most employees at company x now feel that the improvement most needed at the company has been made. The basis for this argument is that in a survey, improved communications between employees and management was consistently ranked as the issue of highest importance by the employees. At first glance, the argument seems convincing, but it omits some concerns that should be considered in the argument.
First, we should know who responded to the survey and whether employees are honest when they were surveyed. For example, if the employees who are surveyed in this investigation cannot represent the majority employees in the company x , the accuracy of the survey should be doubted. Moreover, when employees are surveyed, they usually tended to respond as others did. In a company, employees always wanted to be considered a team player, they did not want to be someone who was often left out by the whole team. In this case, some employees might dishonestly responded to the survey if a lot of people ranked improved communications as the issue of highest importance by the employees. Accordingly, the author did not provide enough evidence to prove that the survey is correct and available.
Secondly, even if the survey is convincing as the author mentioned, the authors stated that the company instituted regular communication sessions conducted by high level management and employees would voluntarily attend these sessions. However, the author failed to consider that the high level management might not be effective. In the survey, employees ranked the communications between employees and management as the highest significance. In this scenario, the communication conducted by high level management would not be effective. For example, employees expect to have better communicaton with management, however, the communication session is conducted by high level management. Employees may feel uncomfortable to participate in this session if they feel it is difficult to communicate with high level managemnt. Moreover, communications between low levels and high levels in a company is usually very difficult and low-efficiency. In this case, the communication session would not work out.
Finally, the author said that most employees at the company would feel that the most needed improvement has been made. This conclusion is not persuasive as well. Even if we acknowledge that the communication session is effective for this company, we cannot easily make the conclusion that this session is the most needed improvements. There are several ways for a company to improve the communications between management and employees. For instance, in an Internet company, the best way to improve communications can be provide employees slack time to exchange ideas and innovation thoughts. Also, in food industry the best way to improve commucation skills might be discuss how to work efficiently in a conference. Each company has its own quality and feature, so we cannot say that held a communication session is the best way for company X to enhance the communications.
In conclusion, the author failed to provide information to make the conclusion that adopt the communication session is the best way to improve the communication in Company X. In order to make this conclusion ,the author would have to prove that the survey conducted in the company is convincing at first, and then the high level management is suitable to hold communication sessions. Moreover, the author also have to demonstrate that the communication session is the most needed improvements for company X. In this case, the author can make the conclsuion.作者: Xclann 时间: 2010-6-17 13:30
谢谢 期待issue作者: 葛佳 时间: 2010-6-22 21:33
楼主 发发issue 的 学习下作者: 葛佳 时间: 2010-6-22 21:36
楼主都没有怎么用木板哦 都是自己写的 实力啊作者: maxfan 时间: 2010-6-22 22:07
Ding!思路清晰, Ding!不需要高深的词汇, Ding!字数是王道! NB作者: xh65623746 时间: 2010-6-23 23:13
没有写过issue 就去考了。。作者: xh65623746 时间: 2010-6-23 23:14
不要用那种攻击模板,我觉得不好,看起来很烦。自己读的时候也会知道。所以就按照正常思路写,比如1。xxx is not reliable, 2. even if sth is convincing, we still have to know that... 3. although we acknowledge that xxx is real, we must know some other information, 这样就可以了。作者: 斯巴达 时间: 2010-6-24 16:18