对了,还有作文,忘了写,补上: AA: the percentage of middle-aged people who do shopping in department store is 35%, and the percentage of the younger people is 21%, 有一个预测显示,within the decade, the number of middle-aged people will drastically increase. So 作者建议应该增加department store里的goods and services intended to adapt the middle-aged people and dereace the goods and services intended to adapt the younger ones.
AI: It is difficult to achivev sucesses in one`s professionel life without sacreficing important affects of a fulfilling personel life
3.还有一题好像也是狗上的,我考场上瞎蒙的。 DS:说有一大堆数:1,2,-3,-4,5,6,-7,-8,9,10,-11,-12….就像这样两位变一下正负号,问什么忘了,好像是问n是几? (1)n是正整数,and a multiple of 4 (2)n好像也是正整数,and a multiple of. ***(数字忘了。。。)