关于GWD,少的有错2-3个的,多的有错9个(好像没有超过十个的)。Do check the spread sheet answers, there are so many wrong answers!平均应该在5、6个左右,但是太optimistic,因为前13-14套的语法我很多都在大全里看到过。新的那些套我语法错得就多些。
AI: we should not work on increasing life span of humans. It'll put burden on resources and reduce life quality. AA: Oak City built a shopping mall last year, the following bad things happened: arrests for crime, local business closure, crowded parking. So in Elm City, we should not follow suit and should reject all applications to build shopping malls.
阅读有那个,解释三个原因,为什么集中制。和粮食食物的关系。作者: cdpku2002 时间: 2010-6-10 03:43
忘了说了,感谢狗仔队们的辛苦工作,还有魏童鞋!等最近我工作不忙了,也来做义工。作者: zliycdr 时间: 2010-6-10 03:47
在美国的Verbal就是不一样啊 恭喜作者: manna 时间: 2010-6-10 04:21
LZ, i m also in usa and took g once,but it s sooo weird that i didnt take sphygmus test last time~