呵呵,幸会。俺是你嫡系的学长。 做IBD或PE可能可以给你点建议,但S&T就不行了。不过从印象上来讲,CICC的品牌在内资中算不错,如果申请外资的IBD还是有参考价值的,但申请外资的S&T可能就价值有限了;而如果申请国内的S&T,诚如上面一位兄台所言,和外资的工作范围就有很大不同了 不过,不管哪行,从职业起步来讲,进行业顶尖公司对你未来的职业发展是大有裨益的,加油!作者: cannedpineapple 时间: 2010-5-18 22:23
I'm not sure you're the target market of HBS 2+2. As you point out, you're a business major, and all your work experience has been in 'business-related' fields. Especially considering that HBS doesn't tend to accept reapplicants, you may want to consider carefully whether applying to this programme is your best option.作者: slmytdp 时间: 2010-5-18 23:58
thanks for the advice作者: alexxiaoma 时间: 2011-12-20 12:23
Hey, bro. Friend me on Q@254201574">QQ@254201574 or drop me an email at ma_xiao@nus.edu.sg
I am also applying for this program and we can discuss later.