Every fall Croton's jays migrate south. The jays always join flocks of migrating crookbeaks with which they share the same summer and winter territories. If a jay becomes separated from the crookbeaks it is accompanying, it wanders until it comes across another flock of crookbeaks. Clearly, therefore, Croton's jays lack the navigational ability to find their way south on their own. Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument above? A. Croton's jays lay their eggs in the nests of crookbeaks, which breed upon completing their southern migration. B. The three species most closely related to crookbeaks do not migrate at all. C. In the spring, Croton's jays migrate north in the company of Tattersall warblers. D. Species other than Croton's jays occasionally accompany flocks of migrating crookbeaks. E. In the spring, crookbeaks migrate north before Croton's jays do. 答案C作者: 大眼袋双眼皮 时间: 2010-5-15 12:59
对对对,就是那个,连正确选项都一样,干扰的不大记得了,我说看着眼熟吗~作者: lxc2000 时间: 2010-5-15 13:08
哎,你最后7,8个题蒙的都得了690,我也蒙的可是我都没敢报出我的成绩,杯具作者: 忽然忘了解脱 时间: 2010-5-15 13:31
(⊙o⊙)…,我想起LZ说的那篇帖子了。。。。。。。。汗~~~~无意中说的一句话,那么多人记得~我真是太荣幸了说~作者: FebWater 时间: 2010-5-15 13:34
原来是忽然mm说的哈作者: 魏小妞要出国 时间: 2010-5-15 14:20
加油~!!!“上帝转过身,是为了酝酿给你一个更大的拥抱”这句话真好~!!!加油~~~!!!作者: shammy17 时间: 2010-5-15 14:42
看得眼泪都块流出来了 我也和楼主有过相同的经历 准备T那两个月起早贪黑 披星戴月 最后得了一个见不得人的分数 不过后来六级意外的收获让我想通了一些 楼主加油 那天看到一个牛牛说心态也是实力的一部分 觉得很有道理 从小考试考到大 身经百战的中国学子一定不会被区区一个考试打倒的作者: applejsjs 时间: 2010-5-15 19:25
楼主继续加油,相信你一定会取得你想要的分数的作者: 大眼袋双眼皮 时间: 2010-5-15 19:44