我在考虑明尼苏达 请大牛指导!拜谢!!作者: sunshines1988 时间: 2010-7-26 15:30
你这个GPA还好啦~!保持吧,至少别下滑~! 工作经验其实有事最好啦,因为好在你是读人力资源专业的~! 加油吧,照你的条件,TOP30应该是希望很大的~! 然后G,T的成绩固然重要,可是文书那些更重要噢~!到时候好好准备吧~!Good luck~!作者: sunshines1988 时间: 2010-7-26 17:41
再补充点,你最好找个地儿进行暑假实习什么的,比较好的公司~! G也一定要700+,不然很有局限性~!多参加点活动什么的吧~!作者: sweathan 时间: 2010-8-10 21:45
what is your career aim, academic or industry? If you are not planning for a PHD, i think it's better to work for 2-3 years then apply for the top ones. From working you get some thoughts about your career choice, industry relation or strategic or maybe specific HR funtion... this is also useful for you to choose your major, HR master or Organization studies, etc.