
标题: 大全48 [打印本页]

作者: primefang    时间: 2004-4-7 20:32
标题: 大全48

1.        According to some analysts, whatever its merits, the proposal to tax away all capital gains on short-term investments would, if enacted, have a disastrous effect on Wall Street trading and employment.

(A) its merits, the proposal to tax

(B) its merits may be, the proposal of taxing

(C) its merits as a proposal, taxing

(D) the proposal’s merits, to tax

(E) the proposal’s merits are, taxing


作者: bebexu    时间: 2004-4-8 03:19

prposal to do sth

proposal for sth.

proposal that

作者: primefang    时间: 2004-4-8 09:26
那么 whatever its merits may be 没有问题是吗?
作者: fyaun    时间: 2004-4-19 12:56
“the proposal”is single , conflicting “have" ?
作者: 我爱宝宝    时间: 2004-4-30 02:40



作者: whatsoever    时间: 2007-1-25 21:35

proposal to do sth.

proposal for sth./for doing sth.

proposal that

作者: wishzf    时间: 2007-12-2 17:31
以下是引用fyaun在2004-4-19 12:56:00的发言:
“the proposal”is single , conflicting “have" ?


whatever its merits, the proposal to tax away all capital gains on short-term investments would, if enacted, have a disastrous effect on Wall Street trading and employment.

作者: dan2007    时间: 2007-12-14 05:52
作者: elric9    时间: 2009-7-20 18:59

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