标题: REJ from UArizona~杯具啊~l泪奔啊~ [打印本页] 作者: xiaoV_2006 时间: 2010-4-2 09:44 标题: REJ from UArizona~杯具啊~l泪奔啊~ 早上起来用手机打不开gmail,上网看居然邮箱inbox有一封,没想居然又是rej~ 人生啊~真是杯具~ Fools' Day~ 我一个无AD之人天天日盼夜盼盼来rej又一封~ 还剩ASU跟UIC~我真是不想再报什么希望鸟~
“Thank you for submitting your application to the Master of Accounting program in the Eller Graduate School of Management at The University of Arizona. I regret to inform you that you have not been admitted to the graduate program in Accounting. ”