对方先介绍自己,带口音,我都没听清他的名字是啥……呃,大家如果认识这个人千万别告诉他我没听清楚他名字 Q1 简单介绍下自己 Q2 我在介绍的时候提到我在吉他协会的事情,于是问我在协会里都干了啥 Q3 协会的事情是发生在大学的时候,后来我去读研究生了,于是,对方顺势问我为啥选择南京大学读英语语言文学 Q4 descibe current job Q5 what's your responsibility at this job? Q6 what's your strength and what's the strength you need when doing this job? Q7 Why MBA? Q8 What do you plan to learn during MBA study? Q9 What's your plan after MBA? Q10 What you think you can bring to our MBA program? (UvA强调学生的国际化,所以我在这个方面侧重回答了)
轮到我问问题:本来我打算问what's the competitive advantage of MBA graduate at ABS against graduate from RSM or Nyenrode?后来觉得这个人家实在不好回答,搞不好还会觉得比较offensive,于是问了个十分简单的what's the percentage of chinese student at your MBA program?对方竟然还说good question,想了一小会儿,估计以前从来没想过这个问题,还翻了下纸