63. Some good cooks are gourmet cooks who pride themselves on always using extravagantly rich ingredients in elaborate recipes. Some good cooks can be characterized as fast-food cooks. They may use rich ingredients as long as the recipes are easy to follow and take little time. Other good cooks are health food enthusiasts, who are concerned primarily with the nutritional value of food. But even though not all good cooks are big eaters, they all enjoy preparing and serving food.
If the information in the passage is true, which one of the following CANNOT be true?
A. Most good cooks do not use extravagantly rich ingredients. B. Everyone who enjoys preparing and serving food is a good cook. C. More good cooks who use extravagantly rich ingredients are big eaters than are good cooks who do not use such ingredients. D. There are fewer good cooks who enjoy serving and preparing food than there are good cooks who are big eaters. E. Gourmet cooks, fast-food cooks, and cooks who are health food enthusiasts are all big eaters.
A. 原文的第一句,从原文推出。(原文的some料多做工复杂,some料多做工简单,other注重营养,如何能推大部分不用大量料?应该也属于推不出对错的吧) B. 从结论可以推出。(原文是好厨师爱准备食物,不能推出爱准备食物的都是好厨师啊,所以还是属于无法推出对错的选项) C. 推不出这种比较,无关。 D. 正确。结论:但是即使并非所有的好厨师是big eaters,他们却全都喜欢准备和供应食物。说明喜欢准备和供应食物的好厨师的人数更多,是big eaters的好厨师的人数相比较少。D选项与原文的结论相反。 E. 从原文推出。(原文是推不出的,因为没有给出Big eater与前面3种COOK的关系。前面3种都不一定是good cook)作者: 13711 时间: 2010-3-28 14:29
楼主要不试试这样想 题目文的是cannot be true,那么就是说把答案去逆命题就是对的,那么这样把D取逆命题那正好就是对的,其他的取逆命题好像跟原文都有相反哈。 我也是新手,还望各位NN们指教,在此先谢过各位作者: rx_11 时间: 2010-4-27 21:03
如果你看过任何一本逻辑书就知道,cannnot be true 题就是要选一个“一定不对的”,而不是“可能不对的”。这点很多教材上都特别强调过。。。建议楼主不要摸着石头过河了。。。去系统的看看逻辑的教材吧。。省的走弯路。。