AI------Everywhere, it seems, there are clear and positive signs that people are becoming more respectful of one another’s differences.( 这道题很奇怪是我联系时迟迟不愿意动手写的一篇,结果中招!)
AA------The following appeared as part of an article in the education section of a Waymarsh City newspaper.
“Throughout the last two decades, those who earned graduate degrees found it very difficult to get jobs teaching their academic specialties at the college level. Those with graduate degrees from Waymarsh University had an especially hard time finding such jobs. But better times are coming in the next decade for all academic job seekers, including those from Waymarsh. Demographic trends indicate that an increasing number of people will be reaching college age over the next ten years; consequently, we can expect that the job market will improve dramatically for people seeking college-level teaching positions in their fields.”
第一段开始说以前欧洲的工会的建立常常是are usually based on occupation(这句要注意,因为有一个选项是说所有的工会都是建立在Occupation上的,我觉得不对)。 2.问了为什么男性不支持all female工会的成立。(以前都是工会里有男有女的)文章中说道男性怕Conflict with the wages level…Blablabla…, 我选的选项和JJ一样,是带Disagree那个。 3.问了文章主旨题
1.政府通过了一个组织的一项提案,该组织说这个提案的实施可以增加基础设施的投资15%(大概意思是这样),但是有反对者跳出来说他们担心由于政府总的投资预算在未来不大会增加,所以在基础设施上的投入增加必然只能通过减少在主要的基础的public service like education 上的投资。问支持
说有人成功训练蜜蜂,让蜜蜂Follow 在那些他们在入口处见到的Gardener后面。结果经过训练后,让穿着特殊颜色的园丁从入口进入公园,然后发现蜜蜂们Follow他们来到。。。。。,再让园丁穿上不同颜色的衣服出现在入口,发现蜜蜂们还是能够跟在出现在入口处的人的后面。所以结论说蜜蜂们已经学会了Follow the people see at the entrance. 问下列哪项可以支持文中结论?
3.一个杂志社组织评审小组(Panel)投票评比年度最佳啥啥啥(不影响意思哈),这里面有化妆品公司、医药公司、。。。。,结果是在该杂志上做广告的化妆品荣登榜首,所以有人说这个评审小组不公平投票,而是Biased to vote for the those advertised in this magazine. 问削弱。
4.对了遇到了JJ 33 Gardener and Vine那道题,选项有(乱序)A,最大的公司销售多余10种XXX(单词忘了);B销往国外; C这家公司除了卖这种产品不卖别的产品了另外的记不住了