Opponents of laws that require automobile drivers and passengers to wear seat belts argue that in a free society people have the right to take risks as long as the people do not harm other as a result of taking the risks .As a result ,they conclude that it should be each person's decision whether or not to wear a seat belt .
which of the following ,if true ,nost seriously weakens the conclusion drawn above ?
A many new cars are built with seat belts that automatically fasten when someone sits in the front seat .
B automobile insurance rates for all automobile owners are higher because of the need ot pay for the increased injuries of deaths of people not wearing seat belts .
C passagers in airplanes are required to wear seat belts during takeoffs and landings .
D the rate of automobile fatalities in states that do not have mandatory seat belt laws os greater than the rate of fatalities in states that do have such laws
E in autonobile accidents ,a great number of passengers who do not wear seat belts are injured that are passengers who do wear seat belts .
我觉得有点怪啊。我选的是c,为什么呢,大家看看og9.就是很明显的举反例阿,坐飞机不绑安全带只会伤害自己。如果b选项中的people改为passagers我会选的,people在这里我认为就是automobile owner.
以下乃题外话,纯当笑话。保险里面讲究的是受益人对标的有可保利益,有这种险种吗??虽然说是if true,但是如果中国早点引进的话,张玉宁和曲玉恒就不用打官司了。。。。
yes, 何止是奇怪! ^_^
OG9 bat一题是举Raccoons and owls 反例,反对论据, 反对原因
而OG14中c 并没有反对 the people do not harm other as a result of taking the risks 该原因.与原因不沾边
C cites a requirement analogous to the one at issue, but its existence alone does
not bear on the legitimacy of the one at issue. 无关选项
Weaken 的 object应是下面这句话 :
in a free society people have the right to take risks as long as the people do not harm other as a result of taking the risks
( C) 的答案不大好 不管举的例子是啥 航空业也好 / 其它产业也霸 都有点 overgeneralization 的味道
( D )简单的说 就是 ->那些不守规矩的人搞得大家都要一起付出代价à 酱子 这些人的行为 还可以自由自在的不受规范吗 ?
( D) 用来weaken 真是在好也不过啦
yes, 何止是奇怪! ^_^
OG9 bat一题是举Raccoons and owls 反例,反对论据, 反对原因
而OG14中c 并没有反对 the people do not harm other as a result of taking the risks 该原因.与原因不沾边
C cites a requirement analogous to the one at issue, but its existence alone does
not bear on the legitimacy of the one at issue. 无关选项
OG9 bat一题是举Raccoons and owls 反例,反对论据, 反对原因
文中提到as long as the people do not harm other,只要找个伤害别人的答案即可削弱,可正确答案B中提到的injuries or deaths of people not wearing seat belts的people的概念有点模糊,不知道是指driver呢还是非driver的其他人,但其他选项似乎比B更不妥,所以偶只好选B了。
个人认为OG-9是这样的, 保险公司提高了所有汽车拥有者所需交的保险费,理由是因为在所有汽车拥有者中存在着不系安全带的人车祸率很高的缘故. 保险公司提高所有汽车拥有者所要交的保险费的做法是将风险平摊开来. 所以,对于那些用安全带的人来说,他们因不用安全带的人而多交了保险费. 所以,他们的利益是受到侵犯的.
OG-14的C只是另一个例子,而不是反例。WEAKEN的OBJECT应该是the people do not harm other as a result of taking the risks 。所以应该是不带安全带的人do harm other as a result of taking the risks
个人认为OG-9是这样的, 保险公司提高了所有汽车拥有者所需交的保险费,理由是因为在所有汽车拥有者中存在着不系安全带的人车祸率很高的缘故. 保险公司提高所有汽车拥有者所要交的保险费的做法是将风险平摊开来. 所以,对于那些用安全带的人来说,他们因不用安全带的人而多交了保险费. 所以,他们的利益是受到侵犯的.
E. In automobile accidents, a greater number of passengers who do not wear seat belts are injured than are passengers who do wear seat belts.
这里的 PASSAGERS 难道只是指的 DRIVERS 吗,其实我的理解已经是包括 其他 OTHERS了,要不美国的小轿车还分那么多档次干什么?不是有 PASSAGER 和COUPLE,...什么的么??、
个人认为OG-9是这样的, 保险公司提高了所有汽车拥有者所需交的保险费,理由是因为在所有汽车拥有者中存在着不系安全带的人车祸率很高的缘故. 保险公司提高所有汽车拥有者所要交的保险费的做法是将风险平摊开来. 所以,对于那些用安全带的人来说,他们因不用安全带的人而多交了保险费. 所以,他们的利益是受到侵犯的.
以前对B选项的理解一直不充分,以为harm others 是指不带安全带会撞死或者撞伤别人,现在终于明白,原来harm other 是指自己的风险增大导致全体人民的的保费都增加。
D. The rate of automobile fatalities in states that do not have mandatory seat belt laws is greater than the rate
of fatalities in states that do have such law。
我觉得有两种情况1 死的人都是司机,所以没有削弱。
2 在没有安全带法的情况下,死的人中有没系安全带的司机和车上系安全带的乘客。那么没系安全带的司机就危害到了他人,所以D也可以削弱。
以前对B选项的理解一直不充分,以为harm others 是指不带安全带会撞死或者撞伤别人,现在终于明白,原来harm other 是指自己的风险增大导致全体人民的的保费都增加。
D. The rate of automobile fatalities in states that do not have mandatory seat belt laws is greater than the rate
of fatalities in states that do have such law。
我觉得有两种情况1 死的人都是司机,所以没有削弱。
2 在没有安全带法的情况下,死的人中有没系安全带的司机和车上系安全带的乘客。那么没系安全带的司机就危害到了他人,所以D也可以削弱。
他说的也有道理呀?? 版主?? 能否答复我们
这种想法是错误的: 1 出车祸不出车祸,
2 如果出了车祸,系安全带的乘客存活机率比不系安全带的要高,
所以这个想法里有两个错误: 1,
将车祸和系安全带联系起来 2,
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