邮件~~作者: peterdairui 时间: 2010-3-9 10:27
完了 看来要杯具了 Lisa Berry只给了我这样的回复 Good Day,
I was incorrect to say your paperwork was being mailed from the graduate office. Your packet will be mailed from the Office Foreign Student and Scholars.
I will try to get a date for you when it went out. They are very busy as this time processing the new admittees.
Thank you for your patience,作者: dino051108 时间: 2010-3-9 11:11
同问~作者: marcus612 时间: 2010-3-9 11:13
马凯特要3年呢,个人倾向特拉华作者: greenbubbletea 时间: 2010-3-9 11:24
为啥我前几天收到邮件说结果要4月底才出来。。难道我被分到了楼主后面的一轮? 楼主你啥时候资料全的啊?作者: 心情释放 时间: 2010-3-9 11:25