as varied as 在这里 不是比较 是举例 诸如此类的意思 可以看做SUCH AS 你自己再看看是不是应该这样理解 countries such as China, the Netherlands, and Hungary
-- by 会员 free_over (2010/3/1 15:45:17)
GOOGLE出来外国人的解释是 D和E没有语法上的错误 所以我们应该将两者再做别的方面的比较 也就是意思差别的比较了
D and E both correctly start with "an event that caused" - yes, that's both the original intent of the sentence and it's grammatically correct.
D introduces another "and" towards the end, which again dictates parallelism (which is not present here) and again mars the original intent of the sentence - one event led to the next, rather than two events being side-by-side parallel
E correctly indicates that the event caused the extinctions and those extinctions mark the end of the era
-- by 会员 free_over (2010/3/1 15:40:55)