(1) high light the second fact: overeducated worker are paid more than workers( adequate for the job) doing the same job the aim is to( contracting with the first fact which is natural to understand) (2) the passage suggest that ( overeducated are paid more doing the same job) (3) why are there so many overeducated? the reason are following except (there are 4 in the text, 5 choices, choose they do not know they are overeducated and can be offered better jobs) V4
第一段,提出了两个现象:1)there is some overeducated people who is doing the job that does not require such high education 2) companies are likely to pay more to those overeducated people for doing the same job than those non-overeducated. 第二段,针对第一个现象,提出了一些解释,开头前几句话一直在详细阐述职业跳板这些找不到好工作,只好将就普通工作:是因为有的人太久找不到工作,所以就屈就了,还有的人是拿这些容易的Job做跳板。(不太重要,基本没考) 第三段,解释现象二,为什么企业愿意花更多的钱来雇佣层次高的人,引用某个study说是“insurance”举了一个例子,说银行的什么小职员要college level的人去对账,大材小用,但实际上这个很重要,因为高风险利害关系大。针对第二种现象,有两个鸟人蹦出来提出了一种解释:公司之所以给那些做简单工作的高学历者高工资是因为相当于上了一种保险:当他们工作中出现某些比本职工作棘手的情况时,他们也能应付。现代社会的特点是这些公司怕出现意外时员工处理不好,会导致整个公司完蛋!最后还举了银行雇佣大学生做data typist的例子证明上述观点。 主题:提出现象+解释现象 V5 作者: boazl 时间: 2010-3-1 05:01
天哪,三月考的同学有福啦。这不是大名鼎鼎的考古皇后吗作者: zhangyihan 时间: 2010-3-1 05:04
又见携隐,顶一下~~~~~作者: janexu62 时间: 2010-3-1 06:58
应该就是这篇,出题点和内容都可以确认作者: xrbear57 时间: 2010-3-1 22:29