AA: 本以为是这个月的寂静的……但是为什么找不到……莫非因为都太相似了,所以我记错了…… “在题库里面没有找到,是说一个人在A城开了一家餐馆,生意很好,现在他打算在附近的城镇新开两家餐馆,并且聘用之前的员工当新店的老板,预计利润会翻两番,大概是这个意思,不好意思~~” ——szdxs930 他说的很对,大概就是这个意思。说G这个人在T town 开了家pizza店生意很好。而这个t town 有很多大学的大学生。但是G这个人呢想扩大经营(赚更多钱),于是在其他三个 towns and cities 开餐馆。他还要培训员工,并让这些人管理新店,这样利润一定会增加很多的。 AI:12.Employer should have no right to know the employees' health problem and their personal lives without their permission.
显然应该支持,个人隐私必须得到保护,若不如此,会造成歧视(discrimination),必要信息雇主可以通过面试获得,不用偷鸡摸狗。 32.题库62. “Employers should have no right to obtain information about their employees’ health or other aspects of their personal lives without the employees’ permission.”
The employers should prohibit the employees unhealthy behaviors, both in the workplace and in their personal lives.
2.有一个数轴,标有数值,和五个点p,q,r,s,t.如图二,问下列哪个的绝对值最大?(图画的丑点见谅)某些地方不准,但是都不影响理解和做题。 A p+q B r+s C s+t D p+q+r E p+q+r+s+t 3 问stmn都是整数,st+mn>0? 条件一: sm+tn>0 条件二: tm+sn>0 4.有比较大小的题 A -0.33 B -3/10 C -3% D -1/3 E -0.3
我是Daisy~~哈哈。估计看头像你也该知道了……作者: XYXB 时间: 2010-2-27 21:43
MM根据你的描述,我在GWD里面找到一篇文章,麻烦你帮我确认下,谢谢: (Thispassage is excerpted from material published in 1997) Whereas United States economic productivitygrew at an annual rate of 3 percent from 1945 to 1965, it has grown at anannual rate of only about 1 percent since the early 1970’s. What might bepreventing higher productivity growth? Clearly, the manufacturing sector of theeconomy cannot be blamed. Since 1980, productivity improvements in manufacturinghave moved the United Statesfrom a position of acute decline in manufacturing to one of world prominence.Manufacturing, however, constitutes a relatively small proportion of theeconomy. In 1992, goods-producing businesses employed only 19.1 percent ofAmerican workers, whereas service-producing businesses employed 70 percent. Althoughthe service sector has grown since the late 1970’s, its productivity growth hasdeclined. Several explanations have been offered for this declined and for the discrepancy in productivitygrowth between the manufacturing and service sectors. One is that traditionalmeasures fail to reflect service-sector productivity growth because it has beenconcentrated in improved quality of services. Yet traditional measures of manufacturingproductivity have shown significant increases despite the under measurement ofquality, whereas service productivity has continued to stagnate. Others argue thatsince the 1970’s, manufacturing workers, faced with strong foreign competition,have learned to work more efficiently in order to keep their jobs in the United States,but service workers, who are typically under less global competitive pressure, havenot. However, the pressure on manufacturing workers in the United States to work more efficientlyhas generally been overstated, often for political reasons. In fact, while somemanufacturing jobs have been lost due to foreign competition, many more havebeen lost simply because of slow growth in demand for manufactured goods. Yet another explanation blames thefederal budget deficit: if it were lower, interest rate would be lower too,thereby increasing investment in the development of new technologies, whichwould spur productivity growth in the service sector. There is, however, nodearth of technological resources, rather, managers in the service sector failto take advantage of widely available skills and machines. High productivity growthlevels attained by leading edge service companies indicate that service sectormanagers who wisely implement available technology and choose skillful workerscan significantly improve their companies’ productivity. The culprits forservice-sector productivity stagnation are the forces-such as corporate takeovers andunnecessary governmental regulation-that distract managers from the task ofmaking optimal use of available resources.