
标题: 杯具了。。。确认换了题库。。。下次再来!!!只有献上一些狗狗了。 [打印本页]

作者: 逛来晃去    时间: 2010-2-26 20:17
标题: 杯具了。。。确认换了题库。。。下次再来!!!只有献上一些狗狗了。

作文: AA在上个月JJ里面有,
题库10. The following appeared in the editorial section of a local newspaper:
“This past winter, 200 students from Waymarsh State College traveled to the state capitol building to protest against proposed cuts in funding for various state college programs. The other 12,000 Waymarsh students evidently weren’t so concerned about their education: they either stayed on campus or left for winter break. Since the group who did not protest is far more numerous, it is more representative of the state’s college students than are the protesters. Therefore the state legislature need not heed the appeals of the protesting students.”
Discuss how well reasoned . . . etc.

. “Location has traditionally been one of the most important determinants of a business’s success. The importance of location is not likely to change, no matter how advanced the development of computer communications and others kinds of technology becomes.”
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.


1. 图书馆一本书的借出周期根据书不一样而不同,借出书到期了如果需要续借,需要满足条件是:这本书没有人预订 和 需要在续借当天办理手续。一个人周一借了2本书,一本书借出周期是6天,另一本是 X 天。假设没有其他人跟他抢这本书,问另一本书的周期是多少天。
  条件一: 两本书头一次一起续借的日子是个周二
  条件二:第三次续借的日子是个周四 ( 还是周二来着,记不清楚了 )

2. 三角形三个角 X,Y,Z,问 X>Y
 条件一: X-Z=Y-Z
 条件二: ????

3. 根号(5)× 根号(0.003)/ 根号(0.0025)

4. 2000年人比2003年少30%,2003年比2006年少48%,如果2006年有100人,问2000年有多少人。

5. 10个某单位的东西,灌到桶子里面有1/16 FEET的高,问筒子diameter是多少。 然后给出 1个某单位= 1.XX CUBE FEET。

6. (x^2-y^2)/(x-y),  X不等于Y,问 X+Y >0
  条件一: X-Y <0
  条件二: ??????

7.  a,b是正整数,a-b和a/b都是偶数,问一下哪项是奇数
          A. a/2
          B. b/2
          C. (a+b)/2
          D. (a+2)/2
          E. (b+2)/2

8. 5^10-5^2 最接近哪个数,这个是上个月JJ里的一个。

9. 一个公司里面40人,做P项目的30%,做Q项目的60%,问只做P项目不做Q项目的有多少。
   条件一: 不做的任何项目的12人
   条件二: PQ都做的4人

10. 5个数,中位数是9,问最大数是多少。
  条件一: 中位数是9
  条件二: 最大最小差是8

11.      一个人去水果市场买水果,苹果40cent一个,橘子80cent一个,一共买了10个,平均是56cent,如果要均价要低于52cent,需要拿出去几个橘子?
        comment: 两个均价摆那,容易看混。

12.  某人投资两个东西各一年,一个利率8%,另外一个 x%,总共赚了$560刀,问

13. 这个题目不确定,很长,没看懂,大概是这样。 我就是不懂那个SUM是什么意思,还是应该就是N。我看了好几遍也没看懂。GMAT靠数学都开始考阅读了,唉。。。。
      f(n)等于前面两个的和,当这个SUM是奇数的时候;f(n)等于前面1/2的和,当SUM是偶数的时候,告诉f(6)和 f(7)的值,求 f(1)。

14.  已知直线经过两个点的坐标,另外一个直线垂直于这个直线,并且经过另一个点,求另一个直线方程。

15.  问st+mn>0?  
     条件一: sm+tn>0
     条件二: tm+sn>0
     大概是这个意思,可能有 s,t,m,n都是>0的条件,不记得了。

16. 问下面哪个数最小:
     a. 2^(-5)
     b. 2^(-7)
     c. 2^(-9)
     d. 3*2^(-9)
     e. 7*2^(-7)


1. 应该是有过的题,好像就是换国家的名字,就是说X国的grain和meat的。生活水平上升,每人消耗的meat多了。生产一个Meat需要多少grain。从现在看大家收入上升了,会消耗meat多了,所以需要进口grain,问前提:
   答案有: 1. 全国收入水平都相当
                   2. 进口的meat也不够这些人消耗
                   3. 国家没有限制grain进口
                   4. 人均grain下降了

2. 一个公司,觉得晚上办公室没有人用,浪费他们的rent的费用,所以打算晚上安排员工干活,来降低成本,增加profit。问评价。
       我选的是: 晚上办公室,那么开灯什么的消耗能占开销多大比例,也就是说如果比例大,也不值。
      其他选项有: 期望的这些晚上上班员工的生产率是多少?

3. 找两个人,看一排灯闪的,然后问他们次序是什么,没答出来;然后训练猩猩了半年,给他们按一定规律闪灯,结果猩猩都能记住次序,就说猩猩的短期记忆比人类好。问削弱。
    我选的是 给人训练半年同样的内容,就是按一定次序闪的灯,人比猩猩做得更好。

阅读:这个还是等后面的同学来补充吧,我只是大概说一下,阅读太烂。 今天跟蜂鸟扯上了。
1.  学习发声的能力,说有两组鸟,学习发声之类的,研究发现都是起源于同样的脑部位置,解释有两个,一个好象是说是一个系发展来哦,但是反驳说着两个鸟家族差很远;另外一个说是进化那时候带来的,说跟蝙蝠和鸟的翅膀一样,如何如何(这里有题)。后来说发现人也有这个位置,所以说都是很早进化的时候就形成了的。

2. 大概是说蜂鸟化石的事,不知道以前有没有过。

1. 。。。。 among those xxx are acceleration of xxxx in xxxx and BBBBB。。。
     应该是考 倒装,选项有把 are 改成 IS, 或者 THAT ; 还有平行。  但是我发现有 are 的选项,我找不到另外一个名字跟acceleration平行,选 is 呢,BBBB那前面又加了个 that; 还有 are 的,看上去很好,结果后面 BBBB又改成 together alone with BBBB。 纠结。。。。

2. 一个是说 possibility of increases .................. is probaly impossible。 我改的是用 is probaly nonexistence.

3. 还有一个,是长句, because 。。。。 so。。。。that。。。。,应该是用so... that结构。

4. ................ that have+一个动词分词+xx, 过去式/分词+xx, and become xxxxx.  中间那个单词不会。 句子结构简单,需要判断意思 become是平行,还是其他语法形式。

作者: appleyr    时间: 2010-2-26 20:39
作者: 洛洛洛洛    时间: 2010-2-26 20:44
-- by 会员 appleyr (2010/2/26 20:39:07)

作者: babee2queen    时间: 2010-2-26 20:45
V2公司认为办公楼晚上和周末不使用是个浪费,所以要增加night/weekend shift。他们预测这样可以提高公司的profit。问evaluate。我选择的是晚上和周末也使用办公楼的话是不是要另收费。还有一个可疑选项是:考察晚班和周末班创造的profit占公司全部profit的百分比。其余的就都可以直接排除了

作者: andycooler    时间: 2010-2-26 20:48
作者: shnj009    时间: 2010-2-26 20:50
作者: aaronjoqd    时间: 2010-2-26 20:52
作者: xrbear57    时间: 2010-2-26 20:54
作者: 逛来晃去    时间: 2010-2-26 21:03
V1 的选项我确实不记得有没有了。
V2的两个选项貌似都见过,我的JJ里面是倾向于前者的。其实这个说的要不要另收费可以要JJ作者是不是文章直接说的,还是他推论的。因为我记得选项写的是因为晚上和周末使用会增加费用,而他这里是说要另收费,但是效果是一样的,就是看看是不是还要增加支出;另外是我记得这个选项里面有比例的说法,因为增加支出对评价没意义,而知道增加支出的占整个expense的比例才有意义。  后面那个选项是不是我写的那个个人生产率的期望那个选项?


V2公司认为办公楼晚上和周末不使用是个浪费,所以要增加night/weekend shift。他们预测这样可以提高公司的profit。问evaluate。我选择的是晚上和周末也使用办公楼的话是不是要另收费。还有一个可疑选项是:考察晚班和周末班创造的profit占公司全部profit的百分比。其余的就都可以直接排除了

-- by 会员 babee2queen (2010/2/26 20:45:56)

作者: EMINEM830505    时间: 2010-2-26 21:03
作者: lien331222    时间: 2010-2-26 21:05
作者: 逛来晃去    时间: 2010-2-26 21:21
其实我真想再多写几个,但是每题只能记个40%,就不误导大家了。给鬼子交这么多米,总得拿点回报,否则白消耗国家外汇了, 呵呵。
作者: zhuyunyijuno    时间: 2010-2-26 21:30
作者: chasedreamcc    时间: 2010-2-26 21:33
作者: panysk    时间: 2010-2-26 22:27
作者: XYXB    时间: 2010-2-26 22:53
Grassland songbirds oftennest in the same grassland-wetland complexes as waterfowl, particularly in acertain part of those complexes, namely, upland habitats surrounding wetlands. Althoughsome wildlife management procedures directed at waterfowl, such as habitatenhancement or restoration, may also benefit songbirds, the impact of others,especially the control of waterfowl predators, remains difficult to predict.For example, most predators of waterfowl nests prey opportunistically onsongbird nests, and removing these predators could directly increase songbirdnesting success. Alternatively, small mammals such as mice and ground squirrelsare important in the diet of many waterfowl-nest predators and can themselvesbe important predators of songbird nets. Thus. Removing waterfowl-nest predatorscould affect songbird nesting success through subsequent increases insmall-mammal populations.
    In 1995 and 1996, researchers trapped andremoved certain waterfowl-nest predators, primary raccoons and striped skunks,then observed subsequent survival rates for songbird nests. Surprisingly. Theyobserved no significant effect on songbird nesting success. This may be due toseveral factors. Neitherraccoons nor striped skunks consume ground squirrels, which are importantpredators of songbird nests. Thus, their removal may not have led tosignificant increases in populations of smaller predators. Additionally, bothraccoons and striped skunks prefer wetlands and spend little time in uplandhabitats; removing these species may not have increased the nesting success ofsongbirds in the uplands enough to allow detection.
作者: yangyuxiao    时间: 2010-2-26 22:58
作者: XYXB    时间: 2010-2-26 23:01

第一段开始说以前的研究中发现songbird学习发声主要受到父母及周围环境影响,说这种学习很像婴儿学说话,先开始模仿,然后发展出具有自己特色的语言。如果让小鸟和其他种类的鸟呆在一起,那它会学会这种wrong word,如果不让他跟任何鸟接触,他最终会形成奇怪的声音,但好像是不能有效表达,好像是。


作者: 逛来晃去    时间: 2010-2-26 23:05
Nod!!!!! 就是这篇!!!!!!!!!!!


第一段开始说以前的研究中发现songbird学习发声主要受到父母及周围环境影响,说这种学习很像婴儿学说话,先开始模仿,然后发展出具有自己特色的语言。如果让小鸟和其他种类的鸟呆在一起,那它会学会这种wrong word,如果不让他跟任何鸟接触,他最终会形成奇怪的声音,但好像是不能有效表达,好像是。

-- by 会员 XYXB (2010/2/26 23:01:48)

作者: 逛来晃去    时间: 2010-2-26 23:09

-- by 会员 zhuyunyijuno (2010/2/26 21:30:30)

作者: 逛来晃去    时间: 2010-2-26 23:24
另一篇关于蜂鸟化石的,我GOOGLE了一下,就是说 Germany 这个发现的,有 Old World 这样的关键字。 在详细的JJ上来前,大家可以拿这个先普及一下。 特别是后面标红的部分,有关花怎么吸引蜂鸟之类的,跟考试里面的说的内容是一个东西。

World's oldest hummingbirds
Cinnamon hummingibrd (Amazilla rutila) feeding on Ipomoea neei (Convolvulaceae) in Mexico. The Cinnamon hummingbird measures about 11 cm (tip of beak to tip of tail) and is only slightly larger than the fossil. Image © J. Ferdinand.
here for a high resolution photograph.

Hummingbirds in Europe? While the only hummingbirds you'll see flying around Europe these days have probably escaped from captivity, hummingbirds lived wild and free in present-day Germany and in other parts of Europe, Asia and Africa more than 30 million years ago. A scientist discovered fossilized bird skeletons from Germany that are the world's oldest known evidence of creatures that looked like today's hummingbirds.
Finding these bones in Europe is especially exciting. They are the first bones with a modern hummingbird design ever found outside of North, Central or South America.
These European hummingbird skeletons measure about 4 centimeters (about an inch and a half) from head to tail. They have long beaks and wings designed for hovering, says Gerald Mayr, the scientist who identified the bones. He works in a natural history museum in Frankfurt, Germany, called Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg.
The world's oldest known modern hummingbird fossil. The specimen is coated with ammonium chloride. Image © Science.
here for a high resolution photograph.

Three of the key features that give the skeletons modern hummingbird characteristics are their tiny size, the design of the shoulder and upper arm bone, and their long beaks.
The birds were discovered near the village of Frauenweiler in southern Germany. Germany and all of Europe is part of the "Old World" – a region that also includes Africa, Asia and Australia. Finding modern-looking hummingbird fossils in the Old World might help to explain the existence of certain flowers in Asia and Africa that seem to scream, "I'm trying to attract a hummingbird!"
Why do plants with flowers that seem to be designed to feed a hummingbird grow in parts of the world with no hummingbirds?
Interpretative drawing of the new hummingbird species (Eurotrochilus inexpectatus). Image © Science.
here for a high resolution photograph.

Mayr has one possible explanation. He imagines a time when the ancestors of these hummingbird-friendly flowers and hummingbirds lived together in the Old World. They may have each changed the appearance of the other through a process of back-and-forth interaction called "coevolution."
At some point the hummingbirds disappeared but the plants lived on, according to Mayr. Insects like long-tongued bees could have taken over the hummingbirds' pollination duties. Pollination is necessary for plants to produce seeds.
This "case of the disappearing hummingbird" is a good example of how discovery of a very old fossil can change the way we look at the plants and animals that are alive today.Mayr named the new hummingbird species Eurotrochilus inexpectatus, which means an "unexpected European version of Trochilus." Trochilus is the name of a group of today's hummingbirds.
These findings appear in the 07 May 2004 issue of the journal Science, published by AAAS, the non-profit science society.
作者: chiochio    时间: 2010-2-26 23:42
作者: jenny1989    时间: 2010-2-27 10:11
作者: szhappyvicky    时间: 2010-2-28 11:46
作者: yuerenyueji    时间: 2010-2-28 17:35
作者: goldwings    时间: 2010-3-2 14:45
作者: yusteven    时间: 2010-3-5 18:56
作者: ilovesuri    时间: 2010-3-6 03:57
-- by 会员 yusteven (2010/3/5 18:56:13)

作者: marknbrown    时间: 2010-3-6 04:47
作者: deeanabj    时间: 2010-3-6 08:32
作者: vivianwongsysu    时间: 2010-3-17 20:39
标题: 求大牛指教!!!!!指点一下哈

图书馆一本书的借出周期根据书不一样而不同,借出书到期了如果需要续借,需要满足条件是:这本书没有人预订 和 需要在续借当天办理手续。一个人周一借了2本书,一本书借出周期是6天,另一本是 X 天。假设没有其他人跟他抢这本书,问另一本书的周期是多少天。
 条件一: 两本书头一次一起续借的日子是个周二
作者: wanghenan0431    时间: 2010-3-17 21:50
作者: kingapple25    时间: 2010-3-17 22:06
作者: jeffjarrett    时间: 2010-3-17 22:35

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