
标题: CXD逻辑29,N哥请进! [打印本页]

作者: gedn01    时间: 2010-2-21 12:50
标题: CXD逻辑29,N哥请进!
Nursing schools cannot attract a greater number of able applicants than they currently do unless the problems of low wages and high-stress working conditions in the nursing profession are solved. If the pool of able applicants to nursing school does not increase beyond the current level, either the profession will have to lower its entrance standards, or there will soon be an acute shortage of nurses. It is not certain, however, that lowering entrance standards will avert a shortage. It is clear that with either a shortage of nurses or lowered entrance standards of the profession, the current high quality of health care cannot be maintained.
Which one of the following can be property inferred from the passage?
(A) If the nursing profession solves the problems of low wages and high-stress working conditions, it will attract able applicants in greater numbers than it currently does.
(B) The nursing profession will have to lower its entrance standards if the pool of able applicants to nursing school does not increase beyond the current level.
(C) If the nursing profession solves the problems of low wages and high-stress working conditions, high quality health care will be maintained.
(D) If the nursing profession fails to solve the problems of low wages and high-stress working conditions, there will soon be an acute shortage of nurses.
(E) The current high quality of health care will not be maintained if the problems of low wages and high-stress working conditions in the nursing profession are not solved.
作者: amberdeng    时间: 2010-2-21 17:12


Nursing schools cannot attract a greater number of able applicants than they currently do unless the problems of low wages and high-stress working conditions in the nursing profession are solved. If the pool of able applicants to nursing school does not increase beyond the current level, either the profession will have to lower its entrance standards, or there will soon be an acute shortage of nurses. It is not certain, however, that lowering entrance standards will avert a shortage. It is clear that with either a shortage of nurses or lowered entrance standards of the profession, the current high quality of health care cannot be maintained.
Which one of the following can be property inferred from the passage?
(A) If the nursing profession solves the problems of low wages and high-stress working conditions, it will attract able applicants in greater numbers than it currently does.
(B) The nursing profession will have to lower its entrance standards if the pool of able applicants to nursing school does not increase beyond the current level.
(C) If the nursing profession solves the problems of low wages and high-stress working conditions, high quality health care will be maintained.
(D) If the nursing profession fails to solve the problems of low wages and high-stress working conditions, there will soon be an acute shortage of nurses.
(E) The current high quality of health care will not be maintained if the problems of low wages and high-stress working conditions in the nursing profession are not solved.
-- by 会员 gedn01 (2010/2/21 12:50:59)

作者: gabrielpei    时间: 2013-6-3 19:26
amberdeng 发表于 2010-2-21 17:12
选E题目中说如果不解决问题就不能吸引应征者,可见解决问题是吸引应征者的必要条件,但不能确定其是充分条 ...

这个解释不太对. 按照Lawyer的说明:
Unless B, 那么B是必要条件. 但是如果加not在其他部分, 那么B变成充分条件.
无法吸引更多候选者->除非解决工资和压力问题. 那么这个问题的逆否命题就是: 解决工资和压力问题->吸引更多后选择.
所以,从逻辑上来讲, A选项是没有问题的. 个人觉得这一题的答案逻辑结构不严谨.

关于E,: 另一条逻辑链是: 不能吸收更多候选者->不能保持目前的高效护理质量. 那么必须不解决压力工资->不能吸引跟多候选. 那就是吸引更多候选->解决了工资压力问题. 实际上就是解决工资压力问题到底是充分条件还是必要条件?

我们换个例子: 我不爱你除非你漂亮. 那, 到底是 我爱你->你漂亮, 还是你漂亮->我爱你?
再换一个: 我爱你除非你打呼噜. 除非后面是必要条件, 那么是: 我不爱你->你打呼噜. 那么是 你不打呼噜->我爱你. 现在回头看: 我不爱你除非你漂亮, 就是 我爱你->你漂亮. 就是你不漂亮->我不爱你.
作者: gabrielpei    时间: 2013-6-3 19:30
gabrielpei 发表于 2013-6-3 19:26
这个解释不太对. 按照Lawyer的说明:
Unless B, 那么B是必要条件. 但是如果加not在其他部分, 那么B变成充 ...
看了上面的帖子. 弄明白了.
A unless B. 就是Not A->B的意思. 是指A加Not变成充分条件. 我的理解有了偏差.

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