
标题: 对一道比较体的疑问(prep1-87) [打印本页]

作者: dontwannalose    时间: 2010-2-20 23:56
标题: 对一道比较体的疑问(prep1-87)
87. (29293-!-item-!-188;#058&003892)
Results of a United States study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine have shown
college-educated women and women living in the South and West to be significantly more likely to
be using supplemental hormones as women living
in the Northeast and Midwest.
(A) college-educated women and women living in the South and West to be significantly more likely
to be using supplemental hormones as women living
(B) college-educated women and women living in the South and West as significantly more likely to
use supplemental hormones than if they are living
(C) college-educated women and those living in the South and West being significantly more likely to
use supplemental hormones than if they lived
(D) that college-educated women and women who live in the South and West are significantly more
likely to be using supplemental hormones as were women that lived
(E) that college-educated women and women living in the South and West are significantly more
likely to use supplemental hormones than women living

正确答案是E,但是我觉得该选项也可以理解成:women and women living in the South and West are significantly more
likely to use supplemental hormones than to usewomen living

作者: stucash    时间: 2010-2-21 09:12
恩,我有很深体会;对于这种 A be more likely to do something than B (to do something), 这里就是搞清楚比较对象. 本题是比人, 确切说是比主语,分开来写就是:
A and B are more likely to do something than C (are likely to do something).

LZ是认为比后面的动作, 如果比动作, 那么人不能变, 句子应该是,
A and B are more likely to do C than (A and B are likely) to do D.

这里句子里的意思很明显, 是要比较不同的人做相同的事的可能性.

不知是否清楚, 请NN定夺.
作者: dontwannalose    时间: 2010-2-21 22:12
恩,我知道逻辑上是比人,但这种理解是common sense 的理解, 这句话完全可以理解成比动作,之前在manhattang那个交流网上看到一个800分的牛人说:
'you are not allowed to use 'common sense' to resolve the meaning of a sentence. if there are two grammatically acceptable interpretations, then it's a bad sentence. whether one interpretation is more realistic matters not.'
作者: stucash    时间: 2010-2-22 01:04
不过从另外一个角度上来讲, 假设是比较动作, 也就是后面的不定式, 那么than前后必定平行; 即to不定式动词绝对不能省略;这里却省略了不定式动词, 从这个角度讲, 那么这个选项实际上是错的.

但GMAT给出了这个是最好的答案, 那么说明上面的假设不成立; GMAT不是比较这个动作, 而是比较其他较为合理的东西. 也就是这里根本不是比较动作, 加to use就无从谈起了.

如这样来看LZ应该不用担心会产生歧义了. 因为从常识,从语法上, 好像加to use都不太符合本来要表达的意思.
作者: dontwannalose    时间: 2010-2-22 02:38
thx a lot 4 ur answer, BTW, r u sure that 'to不定式动词绝对不能省略'
作者: stucash    时间: 2010-2-22 06:48
恩,是的。但是暂时没办法找到例子给你,如果句子本意是要比较动作,那么被比较的两项用than连接肯定必须要平行的, 此处如果比动作, than前面有to, 而后面没有, 这明显就错了, 因为不平行。
作者: yangmars    时间: 2011-7-14 10:54

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