
标题: MBA Pay Through the Years [打印本页]

作者: kdream    时间: 2010-2-12 05:34
标题: MBA Pay Through the Years
这个pay统计的是base + year-end bonus。 ... _pay_2009/
作者: zz1234567    时间: 2010-2-12 06:07
ya, this is the most realistic ranking and reflects program quality
作者: stq    时间: 2010-2-12 07:13
all of them are VERY misleading....
因为薪水统计的时候只统计base, 不算奖金。
作者: kdream    时间: 2010-2-12 08:47
all of them are VERY misleading....
因为薪水统计的时候只统计base, 不算奖金。
-- by 会员 stq (2010/2/12 7:13:54)

你是说不算奖金misleading还是算奖金misleading?因为这个是算奖金的——“PayScale tallied the median cash compensation—including base pay and bonuses”
作者: doctortt    时间: 2010-2-12 09:07
In my opinion, you really can't judge by the numbers alone. It also depends on what kind of job you get after MBA.  If you have an MBA from top 10, of course, you're good.  But, the MBA alone doesn't bring you that salary.  You've got to have some other potentials.
作者: stq    时间: 2010-2-12 09:27
你是说不算奖金misleading还是算奖金misleading?因为这个是算奖金的——“PayScale tallied the median cash compensation—including base pay and bonuses”
-- by 会员 kdream (2010/2/12 8:47:22)

my understanding here is that this kind of numbers only includes sign on bonus (which is only a one time thing), not the year end bonus...

就像你去看wharton等金融学校的数据,它会告诉你哪怕做banking的薪水也只有14-15万,但实际上远远不止这些。。。原因就是他这14-15万其实只是10万base + 4-5万sign on
作者: dingxiang    时间: 2010-2-12 09:36
good. thanks!
作者: kdream    时间: 2010-2-12 10:52
你是说不算奖金misleading还是算奖金misleading?因为这个是算奖金的——“PayScale tallied the median cash compensation—including base pay and bonuses”
-- by 会员 kdream (2010/2/12 8:47:22)

my understanding here is that this kind of numbers only includes sign on bonus (which is only a one time thing), not the year end bonus...

就像你去看wharton等金融学校的数据,它会告诉你哪怕做banking的薪水也只有14-15万,但实际上远远不止这些。。。原因就是他这14-15万其实只是10万base + 4-5万sign on
-- by 会员 stq (2010/2/12 9:27:56)

dude... let me quote the page again for you... the data was collected from "MBA graduates at five points in their careers".
Still think the "bonus" is sign-on bonus? hehe...
作者: kdream    时间: 2010-2-12 10:54
In my opinion, you really can't judge by the numbers alone. It also depends on what kind of job you get after MBA.  If you have an MBA from top 10, of course, you're good.  But, the MBA alone doesn't bring you that salary.  You've got to have some other potentials.
-- by 会员 doctortt (2010/2/12 9:07:28)

true true.
salary data is just one of the metrics.
作者: stq    时间: 2010-2-12 11:31
dude... let me quote the page again for you... the data was collected from "MBA graduates at five points in their careers".
Still think the "bonus" is sign-on bonus? hehe...
-- by 会员 kdream (2010/2/12 10:52:48)
1 收入部分不包括 Stock & Options, 对大公司的管理层来说,这才是收入的大头2 数据来源,金融从业者的奖金对外从不公开,很难想象他们如何会有这方面的数据Payscale这种地方的数据,特别是对金融从业者的数据是做不得准的3 从一般商学院公布收入数据的惯例来看,年终奖金是不包括在内的4 如果真的包括全部收入的话,那么金融业学校和普通非金融类学校的学生收入差距应该远远比这个表上显示的要大。
作者: wordance    时间: 2010-2-13 00:29
作者: maxdaddy    时间: 2010-2-13 02:51
Except under 'Starting Pay', Harvard, Wharton, Stanford, Columbia and Tuck are consistenly the top 5 under all columns? No consistent top 3 though.

Sloan takes Columbia's spot under 'Starting Pay'.
作者: maxdaddy    时间: 2010-2-13 02:51
But Im kinda skeptical about the credibility of this report....

How about a school like Yale SOM who has a big portion of graduates working for government/non-for-profit? The average salary is expected to be low sure.

If BW wants to be scientific enough, they should bulid a generalized linear model where you can plug in different factors such as school, W/E, pre- and post- mba experience, GMAT, GPA, UG major, age, gender, citizenship, race, and

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