多谢各位CDer友人的宝贵建议和分享作者: maxdaddy 时间: 2010-1-30 05:50
congrats...vandy is actually pretty nice....作者: WaterWalker 时间: 2010-1-30 06:09
Congratulations! Hope you like Nashville! Hey, there is a bar called white horse. Check it out, line dance is kinda fun and hope you like country music as well, well, at least, Shana Twin.作者: megachaoren 时间: 2010-1-30 14:46
gees...WW 怎么啥都知道。
恭喜LZ作者: fayeqiu 时间: 2010-1-30 20:41
Congrats. Can you kindly share some interview questions? I have scheduled to interview with Courtey next friday. Thanks.作者: zjuyuyue 时间: 2010-1-30 23:28
恭喜恭喜!作者: searching1983 时间: 2010-1-30 23:54 标题: 范德堡是个很好的学校 RT作者: tylergu 时间: 2010-2-2 00:19
刚刚面完Owen,Admission Director John面的。都说Owen面试很常规,可是今天这个John怎么问我了一些不按常理出牌的题目.汗!。。。。。保佑啊!(不过他到从头到尾都很热情,一边做学校介绍,一边做问题的过渡)
Resume (指定要我先从大学教育说起) Why MBA (我结合我的goal说的,所以他没再问我goal了) Teamwork experience Leadership style and example
前面还好,后面就开始诡异了。 Give an example when you impact others about culture change If you are the big head of your company, what will you do? Will you change something or keep present situation? What else? What is your process of selecting MBA programs? Any other program you applied? (申请时这个问题就随便从我申的选的,因为我申的太多,现在根本不记得当时填了哪个。今天说的肯定跟当时网上填的不一样。希望不要太在意这个mis-match吧。)
Congrats. Can you kindly share some interview questions? I have scheduled to interview with Courtey next friday. Thanks.