其人非常nice,上来先warmup几句,事先已经知道我最近在休假,所以问我说休息多久什么安排,我说我就要回家过年袅,帅哥说啊好啊,我知道等待的过程很煎熬,所以我们赶紧面完你就可以回家啦。我万分真诚涕泪交流的说thank you very much! (之前我确实是因为不定时间就无法订机票的问题等得望眼欲穿了……)
warmup完毕,介绍了一下this is sort of an informal interview, more like a conversation. 他作为校友事先只看过我的简历但没有看过其他的部分。但是有的人的package是被看过两三次了,每个人情况不一样,等等。
正式问题是先问我的education(完全搭不上的natural science & economics双学位……此乃我简历中必被问到的问题囧)然后是awards, 然后是activities. 然后是work experience. 几乎完全按照时间顺序。讲到WE的时候特别让describe a team you worked in. 其他的基本是按着简历问的。还问了一个比较special的是if you have a totally free day, don't have to think about money and stuff, what would you really want to do? 我很囧的说it may sound fake but I want to do some social work...
最后还问了一下我还有什么想present但是没提到的(so nice!!!),以及有没有什么问题想问。本来是30分钟的面试,人家也是很有心要30分钟完成,我却厚脸皮的拖到了45-50分钟左右,还好他也没有焦躁&取出擀面杖来打我……总的来说,是蛮不错的experience. Yallie确实名不虚传的nice.作者: ext3 时间: 2010-1-28 23:34
沙发,恭喜LZ感觉不错作者: maxdaddy 时间: 2010-1-29 00:23
sounds smooth~~ When did you submit your application? hope you can get the offer!作者: shengxuf 时间: 2010-1-29 06:13
gx楼主,请问你是什么时候submit的?我还在等interview,是不是现在还没有的话就没戏了啊。。。。。。。作者: waitinfall 时间: 2010-1-29 09:36
niiiiice. I'm still waiting to hear from my alumna.... best luck作者: ray_anne 时间: 2010-1-29 10:46
thanks for sharing. good luck to lz作者: ray_anne 时间: 2010-1-29 11:09
An applicant can be invited to interview at any time during the admissions process. We have extended a small number of our invitations for the second round, but more will be sent in the coming weeks. Since a candidate can be invited at any time during the round, it’s important to check our email on a regular basis. While an interview invitation is certainly a positive sign, it should not be viewed as an indication of your final decision. About 35% of our applicant pool is interviewed
All second round candidates will hear from us by April 2, 2010 Applications are reviewed in random order so the timing of an interview invitation or decision isn’t indicative of the strength of an application.作者: susanfly 时间: 2010-1-29 12:35