
标题: 再问OG60 [打印本页]

作者: weiyu    时间: 2004-3-28 16:56
标题: 再问OG60
再问OG60fficeffice" />

60.                                             According to a recent poll, owning and living in a freestanding house on its own land is still a goal of a majority of young adults, like that of earlier generations.

(A) like that of earlier generations

(B) as that for earlier generations

(C) just as earlier generations did

(D) as have earlier generationsE

(E) as it was of earlier generations


为什么that    不能指代a    goal



不是不可以指代,是不能明确地指代a    goal
Choices    A    and    B    lack    a    verb    corresponding    to    is    and    a    clear    referent    for    that.


我想ETS在这里说的不能明确地指代a    goal从语法上说的,从逻辑上应该可以搞定THAT的指代对象。

从语法上,并不止你说的这两种可能性(owning    and    living    in    a    freestanding    house    on    its    own    landa    goal),还可能指代pollhouseland。从语法上好像没有规则可以排除这些可能性吧?



自从学了Pumpkin, Jnlvo NN对逗号的修饰歧意问题后, 我觉得这道题目也可以用这一标准来解释xianwharton的问题:

owning and living in a freestanding house on its own land is still a goal of a majority of young adults, like that of earlier generations.

如果like前没有逗号, owning….is goal… like that of ….黑体部分作为goal宾语部分平行, 这时that可以明确指代goal. 但是like前加逗号, 那莫就有

owning…., like that…(第一种平行方式); owing is goal…, like that…(第二种平行方式); 产生歧意. 胡说了一通, 不知对否? 希望NN指正

作者: snow_mountain    时间: 2004-3-28 18:25
不知道有没有不加逗号,但属于这种意思的情况。说说我对like 和as 的看法,自以为可以解决一切like, as 表示正如,和....一样的情况。

like, unlike, 出现在like A, B ...... 或者B....., like A 这种结构时,一定是主语比较。

as 出现在: as A+ 动词(be, 或do 替代主句动词), B....     结构中,主从句结构完美平行。

此原则经我多次试验,目前没有发现例外情况。(当然,as 的用法较多,此原则仅限于表示正如....)


According to a recent poll, owning and living in a freestanding house on its own land is still a goal of a majority of young adults, like that of earlier generations.fficeffice" />

(A) like that of earlier generations         like 后面应该跟一个owning and living in a freestanding 逻辑意思上一致的词:比如: owning a car, 等等,举例而已。表示:正如拥车一样,拥房也是一个目标。如果要表示原句的意思:句子要改成:like earlier generations, a majority of young adults also have a goal of .....

(C) just as earlier generations did             假如C是对的,不画线部分要求的结构必须是:young generations have a goal of .......

(E) as it was of earlier generations                     看结构平行: as it was of goal of ......, owning ...and living in ..... is still a goal of ......



作者: jnlvo    时间: 2004-3-28 18:36
作者: tianwan    时间: 2004-3-28 20:01


作者: dreadpower    时间: 2004-3-28 20:32
Chicago, where industrial growth in the nineteenth century was more rapid than any other American city, was plagued by labor troubles like the Pullman Strikes of 1894.

Opening with tributes to jazz-age divas like Bessie Smith and closing with Koko Taylor’s electrified gravel-and-thunder songs, the program will trace the blues’ vigorous matriarchal line over more than 50 years.

Roy Wilkins was among the last of a generation of civil rights activists who led the nation through decades of change so profound many young Americans are not able to imagine, even less to remember, what segregation was like.

Stars like the sun can continue to shine steadily for billions of years because its light and heat are produced by nuclear fusion, in which titanic releases of energy result in the loss of only tiny amounts of mass.

The peaks of a mountain range, acting like rocks in a streambed, produce ripples in the air flowing over them: the resulting flow pattern, with crests and troughs that remain stationary although the air that forms them is moving rapidly, are known as “standing waves.”

Visitors to the park have often looked up into the leafy canopy and saw monkeys sleeping on the branches, whose arms and legs hang like socks on a clothesline.

Tektites, which may have been propelled to Earth from lunar volcanoes, are much like the volcanic glass obsidian, but their chemical composition is different than any terrestrial lava; they contain far less water than obsidian does and none of its characteristic microcrystals.

Those who have visited the Grand Canyon have typically seen layers of sediment in the gaping canyon, with different colors that mark the passage of time like the rings in a tree trunk.

刚才过了遍大全,找了非划线的like的句子,且排除了明显用法的句子(如like A,B...)


作者: dreadpower    时间: 2004-3-28 20:41

208. Teratomas are unusual forms of cancer because they are composed of tissues such as tooth and bone not normally found in the organ in which the tumor appears.

(A) because they are composed of tissues such as tooth and bone

(B) because they are composed of tissues like tooth and bone that are

(C) because they are composed of tissues, like tooth and bone, tissues

Choices B and C alter the meaning with the use of like, that is, they suggest that the tissues are not tooth and bone, but only like them.[注意不用LIKE的原因!!!]






作者: tianwan    时间: 2004-3-28 21:08
作者: snow_mountain    时间: 2004-3-28 21:20
以下是引用dreadpower在2004-3-28 20:41:00的发言:






Those who have visited the Grand Canyon have typically seen layers of sediment in the gaping canyon, with different colors that mark the passage of time like the rings in a tree trunk.

    正好证明weiyu 的解释。

作者: dreadpower    时间: 2004-3-28 21:48

     Visitors to the park have often looked up into the leafy canopy and saw monkeys sleeping on the branches, whose arms and legs hang like socks on a clothesline.

(D) seen monkeys sleeping on the branches, with arms and legs hanging(答案)

此处有点迷惑了,with arms and legs hanging显然是个独立主格结构,后面加like怎么解释?作什么成分??


Those who have visited the Grand Canyon have typically seen layers of sediment in the gaping canyon, with different colors that mark the passage of time like the rings in a tree trunk.

(A) seen layers of sediment in the gaping canyon, with different colors that mark

(D) been able to see layers of sediment in the gaping canyon, with different colors marking(答案)







作者: dreadpower    时间: 2004-3-28 21:52
作者: weiyu    时间: 2004-3-28 21:56
以下是引用bryony在2004-3-28 21:20:00的发言:

Those who have visited the Grand Canyon have typically seen layers of sediment in the gaping canyon, with different colors that mark the passage of time like the rings in a tree trunk.

    正好证明weiyu 的解释。

如果是(, like....)那莫就可以修饰the passage of time, 也可以修饰 layers of sediment.


Choices B and C alter the meaning with the use of like, that is, they suggest that the tissues are not tooth and bone, but only like them.[注意不用LIKE的原因!!!]


这里是说, 如果用了like, 那么bone and tooth就不属于tissues这个类别, 而只是相似. 可是来看看 Stars like the sun

star本身就有恒星的意思, 而太阳本身也是恒星. 那为什么太阳就不属于恒星, 而只是和star相似呢? NN们, 快来解答;

作者: snow_mountain    时间: 2004-3-28 22:20
以下是引用weiyu在2004-3-28 21:56:00的发言:

star本身就有恒星的意思, 而太阳本身也是恒星. 那为什么太阳就不属于恒星, 而只是和star相似呢? NN们, 快来解答;

所以我怀疑这个句子本身写的就不idiomatic. 呵呵。
作者: weiyu    时间: 2004-3-28 22:36
以下是引用dreadpower在2004-3-28 21:48:00的发言:

     Visitors to the park have often looked up into the leafy canopy and saw monkeys sleeping on the branches, whose arms and legs hang like socks on a clothesline.

(D) seen monkeys sleeping on the branches, with arms and legs hanging(答案)

此处有点迷惑了,with arms and legs hanging显然是个独立主格结构,后面加like怎么解释?作什么成分??


113. Visitors to the park have often looked up into the leafy canopy and saw monkeys sleeping on the branches, whose arms and legs hang like socks on a clothesline.

(A) saw monkeys sleeping on the branches, whose arms and legs hang

(B) saw monkeys sleeping on the branches, whose arms and legs were hanging

(C) saw monkeys sleeping on the branches, with arms and legs hanging

(D) seen monkeys sleeping on the branches, with arms and legs hangingD

(E) seen monkeys sleeping on the branches, whose arms and legs have hung

Choices A and E also confusingly use the present tense hang and the present perfect have hung, respectively; neither verb conveys clearly that, at the time the monkeys were spotted sleeping, their arms and legs were hanging in the manner described. 请问黑体字的意思是什么???


作者: dreadpower    时间: 2004-3-28 23:45
             TO     weiyu


         表达的意思是:see 猴子 doing sth, 是现在进行中的动作,而后面的时态和前面不呼应

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-3-28 23:50:06编辑过]

作者: dreadpower    时间: 2004-3-28 23:47
Visitors to the park have often looked up into the leafy canopy and saw monkeys sleeping on the branches, whose arms and legs hang like socks on a clothesline.

(D) seen monkeys sleeping on the branches, with arms and legs hanging(答案)

此处有点迷惑了,with arms and legs hanging显然是个独立主格结构,后面加like怎么解释?做什么成分??是说什么象什么??

作者: snow_mountain    时间: 2004-3-28 23:57
以下是引用dreadpower在2004-3-28 23:47:00的发言:
Visitors to the park have often looked up into the leafy canopy and saw monkeys sleeping on the branches, whose arms and legs hang like socks on a clothesline.
(D) seen monkeys sleeping on the branches, with arms and legs hanging(答案)

此处有点迷惑了,with arms and legs hanging显然是个独立主格结构,后面加like怎么解释?做什么成分??是说什么象什么??

作者: tianwan    时间: 2004-3-29 00:03

1,Spot在这里应该是:to notice someone or something, especially when they are difficult to see or recognize。如:Police finally caught up with Serrano when he was spotted eating in an Upper East Side restaurant. 所以这一题spotted是个过去分词。

2,like短语在这里做方式状语。fficeffice" />

作者: dreadpower    时间: 2004-3-29 00:21
         作者要表达的是:arms and legs 象 socks ,对吗??


     with arms and legs hanging。。。是否可以理解为独立结构作定语,修饰monkeys ?


作者: tianwan    时间: 2004-3-29 00:31
作者: weiyu    时间: 2004-3-29 09:06
以下是引用bryony在2004-3-28 23:57:00的发言:


这正好说明了like sth只表示相似性, 而不表示类属性. 这不正是OG的解释吗..
作者: lwei1016    时间: 2004-3-30 20:40

Because young children do not organize their attention or perceptions systematically,like adults,they may notice and remenber details that their elders ignore.

B,unlike an adult

C,as adults

D,as adults do

E,as an adult.


作者: snow_mountain    时间: 2004-3-30 20:52
以下是引用lwei1016在2004-3-30 20:40:00的发言:

Because young children do not organize their attention or perceptions systematically,like adults,they may notice and remenber details that their elders ignore.

B,unlike an adult

C,as adults

D,as adults do

E,as an adult.


套用like, 和as 的句型。这里应该unlike 前面是否定,用的不明不白。排除就只有D了。楼主想问什么?
作者: lwei1016    时间: 2004-3-30 21:14
不明白as adults do与like adults在这里的区别啊.不明白是作前面的状语还是作后面的状语啊.个人感觉用like adults更好吧

作者: jnlvo    时间: 2004-3-30 21:34
我认为like在这里的用法指代不清,like adults的adults对应的是young children ,还是后面的they?不同的对应,有不同的意思。这样放置like adults就会产生歧义。

这里as adults do清楚地表明adults对应前面的young children do not ,补全应该是as adults (do) organize their attention or perceptions systematically,

如果是对应的是后面的they,则句子意思是adults notice and remenber details that their elders ignore.我感觉这个与原意不符。

作者: rhod    时间: 2004-6-21 16:14
以下是引用weiyu在2004-3-28 16:56:00的发言:

如果like前没有逗号, 则 owning….is goal… like that of ….黑体部分作为goal宾语部分平行, 这时that可以明确指代goal. 但是like前加逗号, 那莫就有

owning…., like that…(第一种平行方式); owing is goal…, like that…(第二种平行方式); 产生歧意. 胡说了一通, 不知对否? 希望NN指正

有道理,OG 147的解释提到了后一种平行方式。

147. Samuel Sewall viewed marriage, as other seventeenth-century colonists, like a property arrangement rather than an emotional bond based on romantic love.

(C) Samuel Sewall viewed marriage to be a property arrangement, like other seventeenth-century colonists, rather than viewing it as

C incorrectly places the adjective phrase like other... colonists after the word arrangement, which it cannot logically modify.

作者: tania    时间: 2005-6-1 21:08
这道题目如果去掉like 前面的逗号,是不是A就正确了?
作者: 薰衣紫草    时间: 2005-6-2 07:10

No, I don't think so.

1. Don't try to make up the answers and assume which one is correct. Without ETS's confirmation, it cannot be guaranteed.

2. What causes A to be wrong has nothing to do with the comma before "like"; instead, "that" in A has no clear referent so that OG says, "Choices A and B lack a verb correspoinding to is and a clear referent for that."

3. Read the comments provided in OG over and over

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-6-8 7:04:40编辑过]

作者: tania    时间: 2005-6-7 23:05
作者: struta    时间: 2009-11-11 01:03
拜读老帖~ 重振雄风。
问一个simple question,
E. as it was of earlier generation. 他省略了a goal, 是不是说谓语省略在这样的句型中? 还是有别的解释? 没上过辅导班。。。。

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