
标题: Top15 学校贷款(with and without co-sgner)总结 [打印本页]

作者: shuxuehai    时间: 2010-1-24 18:34
标题: Top15 学校贷款(with and without co-sgner)总结


Tuck offers scholarships to U.S. and international students based on a combination of need and merit:
Tuck International Loan Program
Dartmouth Educational Loan Corporation (DELC) Loans
Tuck 5 Percent Loan Program
Tuck Educational Loan Corporation (TELCO) Loans
                For more information, please contact Tuck Financial Aid at 603-646-1571.


Loan Options for International Students

The Johnson School offers a new International Student Loan Program(ISLP) that provides partial funding to admitted international studentsin our full-time two-year MBA and Accelerated MBA program.Credit-worthy international students are eligible to apply and there isno requirement to secure a U.S. citizen or resident as a co-signer. Theannual loan limit will be based on the cost of tuition minus any otheraid received as certified by the School. View terms and conditions for this loan program.

Students who are interested need to complete an online application at may have to provide other information in order to meet regulatoryand underwriting requirements to the Access Group, the loan servicerfor this program.

Please do not submit an application before June 1 (May 1 for AMBA program).  Note the Johnson School does not allow US student loans to be used on a declaration of finances form.

Global Student Loan Corporation (GSLC) and HSBC have designed an international student loan program to provide funding specifically to students from Indiato attend U.S. schools. This solution enables you to borrow funds tocover the complete cost of education - tuition, room, board, books andequipment. A U.S. cosigner is not required but you do need a cosignerfrom your home country. Visit to view loan terms and conditions and to start your loan application!

International students also have the option to borrow through a USlender with a credit worthy US or permanent resident co-signer. Aco-signer loan may carry a lower interest rate.

We have a neutral lender list which students from Cornell havepreviously borrowed through. Students may choose any lender, includingone not on our list:

Chase Select offers a loan program forinternational students with a U.S. social security number and acredit-worthy U.S. citizen cosigner or U.S. permanent residentcosigner. The rate is determined by the cosigner's credit history.Visit their website at

Citibank offers a loan program for internationalstudents with a credit-worthy U.S. citizen cosigner or U.S. permanentresident cosigner. The rate is determined by the cosigner's credithistory. Visit their website at

Sallie Mae loans are available for internationalstudents with a credit-worthy U.S. citizen cosigner or U.S. permanentresident cosigner. Visit their website at

International students should investigate all sources of fundingwithin their own countries, such as government scholarships and loans,private agencies, and bank loan programs.

For further information, contact:

Financial Aid Office
106A Sage Hall
Johnson Graduate School of Management
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-6201

phone: 607 255 6116
作者: shuxuehai    时间: 2010-1-24 18:40
Loan Program for Johnson School International Students
2009-10 Term Sheet
The international loan program contains the following structural elements:
? This loan program is available to international MBA students and allows them to borrow up to the cost of tuition less any scholarship received without a cosigner.
? An applicant must have no adverse credit listed on a US credit report.
? The interest rate will be the 1-month LIBOR plus a margin of 7.95% and will adjust monthly; interest begins to accrue at disbursement and capitalized monthly.
? Students will be charged a one-time loan fee of 3% that will be added to the total amount borrowed.
? Applicants must complete an online application at and may have to provide other information in order to meet regulatory and underwriting requirements to the Access Group, the loan servicer for this program.
? Repayment is deferred until 9 months after graduation or fall below at least half-time enrollment. Repayment can be extended up to 20 years and there is no pre-payment penalty.
You still have the option to borrow up to the cost of education with a credit worthy US or permanent resident co-signer. A co-signer loan may carry a lower interest rate. Visit our website for more information at
作者: shuxuehai    时间: 2010-1-25 06:53
作者: NeilJ    时间: 2010-1-25 14:54
补充一下 NYU是提供两年最高8万的non-cosigner loan
作者: pursueMBA2010    时间: 2010-1-25 18:36
作者: youneverknow    时间: 2010-1-26 01:48
-- by 会员 pursueMBA2010 (2010/1/25 18:36:25)

作者: mopton    时间: 2010-1-26 02:27
前几天看BW上一篇文章,说Rochester的Simon也有no-cosigner loan。不知具体细节是怎样。
作者: shuxuehai    时间: 2010-1-26 02:38

International Student Loans

The Graduate Student Loan Program for Fuqua International Studentsthrough Coastal Federal Credit Union (Coastal) offers a verycompetitive rate of prime plus 5% with no fees.  With the current primerate of 3.25%, the rate would be 8.25%.  This loan does not require aU.S. co-signer.

        The new Coastal loan program is different from other student loan programs in several ways:

You must print,complete, and submit the original loan application forms to thefollowing address (faxed or scanned applications are not accepted):

    Financial Aid Office
    The Fuqua School of Business
     Duke University
    1 Towerview Drive
    Box 90120
    Durham, NC  27708-0120

Please note that the 'Pages' tab in the Adobe PDF applicationdoes not order the forms in the right sequence.  Therefore, you mustprint the entire application to receive the forms in the correctsequential order.

For those of you already on campus, you may drop the forms off at theFinancial Aid Office (West Keller Room 111, 109, or 108).  In addition,the Financial Aid staff can refer you to an on-campus Notary Public tocertify your signatures.

Please note thatafter our Financial Aid Office receives your completed loan applicationforms, it will take approximately two weeks for the loan application toprocess and for the first disbursement to be issued to the school.  Allloan disbursements will be posted to your student Bursar account as apayment towards your University charges.  If your loan disbursement ismore than your University charges, then the University Bursar's Officemay issue a refund to you.  lease visit the Bursar's Office website (     ) to learn more about the refund process.

Should you have any questions regarding this loan program after readingthe instructions and reviewing the loan applications, feel free tocontact our Financial Aid Office at 919-660-8079 or     .

        Instructions and Application Forms:

Daytime MBA/MMS             2009-2010 Coastal Student Loan Application

SAMPLE             2009-2010 Coastal Student Loan Application      
W-8Ben Instructions
W-8BEN Form
作者: shuxuehai    时间: 2010-1-26 02:48

Most financial aid received by Harvard Business School students is in the form of loans. Loans carry a legal obligation to repay principal and interest under a defined repayment schedule. All students will receive detailed information about this option once admitted.

All U.S. citizens and U.S. permanent residents who apply for financial aid should file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid as soon as they have prepared their 2008 federal income tax return. The FAFSA can be completed online at HBS's Title IV code is E00507.

Because eligibility for educational loans is dependent upon a satisfactory credit history, you should obtain a copy of your report as soon as possible to remedy any discrepancies or problems.

There are five basic types of loans available for HBS students:

Federal Direct Stafford/Ford Loans are currently available to qualified students who are U.S. Citizens or U.S. Permanent Residents. The maximum loan amount is $20,500, of which $8,500 could be subsidized by the federal government depending upon financial need.

The Federal Perkins Loan is a small loan program currently available to qualified students who are U.S. Citizens or U.S. Permanent Residents. The loan is interest free while you are in school.

Federal Direct Graduate PLUS Loans are available to qualified students who are U.S. Citizens or U.S. Permanent Residents for the cost of attendance less other aid received.

Private Loans are available for domestic and international students.

February 27, 2009 - Harvard Business School is pleased to announce that Harvard MBA students will continue to have access to need-based loans, despite the pressures on loan availability for students in the current economic climate. This is true for U.S. students as well as international students, who will not be required to find a U.S. co-signer.
作者: shuxuehai    时间: 2010-1-26 02:52

International Students

Private Educational Loans

The University of California Office of the President, incoordination with the various UC campuses, has developed a preferredlender list comparison chart of the private loan options available tostudents. The lender list was developed through a competitive RFIprocess and finalized June 9, 2008 for the 2009-2010 academic year. Private Loan Comparison Chart.

Effective October 2, 2008, the only loan programs from institutions available to International students at Haasalmost exclusively require the student to apply with a credit-worthyU.S. citizen co-signer. Our office recently surveyed a number oflenders about whether they loan to students classified asinternational, namely those on an H-1, F-1, or J-1 visa. We asked ifthey require a US Citizen co-signer or just a Permanent Residentcosigner. We also asked if they require a Social Security Number orITIN. The chart on this page reflects the results of that survey as ofDecember 1, 2009.

Loan to Intl    Students?Require    Co-signer?PermRes    Co-signer?Require SSN of    Borrower? If yes, allow    ITIN?
Berkeley    Credit UnionYesYesunknownYesNo
CitibankYesYesYesNonot applicable
DiscoverNonot applicablenot applicablenot applicablenot applicable
SunTrustNonot applicablenot applicablenot applicablenot applicable
Wells FargoYesYesNoYesYes

For example, if you have a Permenent Resident (Green Card Holder)Co-signer, your most viable options are either Citibank or Chase.

The Haas School's Office of Financial Aid does not receive, andwill not accept, inducements from lenders in exchange for inclusion inthe private loan comparison chart; nor does the Haas School share inthe profits from student loans.

Berkeley Full-Time MBA Loan Program for 2009-2010

In response to the changes in the marketplace and the resultingdifficulty of international students to secure educational loans whenneeded, we have set aside funding to create a new Berkeley MBA StudentLoan Program for 2009-2010 that will provide no-cosigner loans for USand international students in the Full-time MBA Program at Berkeley.Modeled on the Federal Direct Loan, the Berkeley MBA Loan Program willprovide no-cosigner loans of up to $20,000 per year with an interestrate of 6.80% and repayment terms of up to ten years. No interestaccrues while the recipient is in the program, and repayment begins sixmonths after graduation. Though one of the intentions of the loan is toassist in paying tuition and fees, as with other educational loans, thefunds may be used for other educational expenses.

Priority filing dates have passed, but you may submit an applicationfor consideration. Please complete the attached application and returnit to the Haas Financial Aid Office. Berkeley FT MBA  Loan Application

A Note on Disbursements

Loans are always disbursed in two payments, 50% each semester, afteryou are enrolled for classes at least half-time. Loan proceeds willcredit to your CARS account and pay any outstanding charges. If abalance remains, a refund will be sent to your bank account IF you havecompleted an EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) Agreement,
作者: shuxuehai    时间: 2010-1-26 02:55

Grad PLUS Loan Program: The Grad PLUS Loan is aFederal Loan available to graduate/professional students to meet theirfinancial need and/or to replace their student contribution to meettheir cost of attendance. Interest begins accruing once funds aredisbursed. Repayment begins within 60 days following the finaldisbursement of the loan period; however, in school deferment isavailable. The Grad PLUS Loan currently has a fixed interest rate of8.5% and a 3% origination fee.

NU Loan Program:The following programs are insured loans funded by the University frominstitutional resources. The Northwestern University Student LoanOffice administers these loan programs.

Kellogg Students whoare U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents with a satisfactory credithistory have the option of applying for a NU Loan without a cosigner.There are two versions of the NU Loan for U.S. Citizens and PermanentResidents – Need-Based and Optional. The NU Need-Based can be borrowedto meet a portion of your financial need as determined by the KelloggFinancial Aid Office. The NU Optional Loan can be borrowed to replaceyour student contribution, but not to exceed your cost of attendance.One must borrow $20,500.00 in Federal Stafford Loans before borrowingthe NU Loan(s). Interest accrues upon disbursement and principal andinterest payments are not due until three months after separation orgraduation or if the student falls below half-time.

The NUloan interest rate is a variable interest rate set annually by theUniversity, September 1st through August 31st. The current interestrate, September 1, 2008-August 31, 2009 for the need-based NU Loan is7.0% and 7.5% for the optional NU Loan.

The NU InternationalLoan Program is a Northwestern University loan program designed to helpour International Students meet their financial aid need as determinedby the Kellogg Financial Aid Office.

Interest is variableannually and set by the University, September 1st through August 31st.This program offers two distinct options:

Option A:This loan requires a credit-worthy U.S. citizen or permanent residentcosigner (spouse cannot act as cosigner). This option charges noorigination fee and the current interest rate for the 2008-2009academic year is 7.50%.
Option B: Nocitizenship/residency requirement is required for the student orcosigner. International students are required to have a family memberincluded as a cosigner (parent, guardian, or relative; spouse cannotact as co-signer). This option charges a 4.00% origination fee. Thecurrent interest rate for the 2008-2009 academic year is 8.00%.

Aftercompleting the Kellogg Financial Aid application materials, studentswith demonstrated need, as determined by the Kellogg School ofManagement Financial Aid Office, will be offered an NU Loan and mayapply for any amount up to their demonstrated need.

International students who wish to use the loan as a resource for securing a visa must do the following:

Although the NU Loan can be borrowed to meet the students financialneed and or cost of attendance, there will be limited funding for the2009-2010 academic year. Therefore, the NU loan amount applied for andborrowed by the student must first be approved by the Kellogg financialaid office.
作者: pawpawbear    时间: 2010-1-26 03:04
作者: wordance    时间: 2010-1-26 10:01
作者: NeilJ    时间: 2010-1-26 10:25

没有 我只是拿到面试而已 板上应该还有2-3人拿到了 不过都在潜水 呵呵

-- by 会员 pursueMBA2010 (2010/1/25 18:36:25)

作者: lipan    时间: 2010-1-26 14:11
good job,xuehai. Thanks a lot.
作者: shuxuehai    时间: 2010-1-26 16:57


The Financial Aid Office works with private lenders who provide both need-based and non-need-based loans to cover educational expenses.

Loans for International Students

The Stanford University Graduate School of Business has partnered with the Star One Credit Union to provide private educational loans to international Business School students. There may be other private educational loans for international students. However, many private educational loans do not offer the combination of relatively low interest rates with the possibility of not requiring a US co-signer for the loan.

Please Note: In accordance with mandatory federal regulatory guidelines from the United States Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), students from sanctioned countries WILL NOT be eligible to borrow a private student loan through Star One Credit Union. Sanctioned countries include Western Balkans (Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Albania, FYR of Macedonia), Myanmar, Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Cuba, DR Congo, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, and Zimbabwe.

Loans for US Citizens and Permanent Residents

The School partners with several lenders to provide private educational loans to GSB students. US citizens and permanent residents must first borrow government funds for which you are eligible before additional funds are available for lending.
作者: shuxuehai    时间: 2010-1-26 17:04
作者: pawpawbear    时间: 2010-1-27 03:05
作者: pkufish    时间: 2010-1-27 11:01
貌似MIT也有non signer的贷款
作者: lovincello    时间: 2010-3-22 19:50
作者: proudking    时间: 2010-3-23 11:18
Ross non co signer
学费加生活费全额(费用由学校计算一个额度,一年在7万左右),只要你签字就好,利率prime + 1.5%,目前只有5%而已。

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