请各位大侠不吝指点一二,小弟感激涕零!作者: AngelHeart 时间: 2010-1-22 01:38
i was a cfa 3 candidate last year around this time too. because i had never taken the gmat and work was pretty busy, i decided not to take the cfa. my advice: focus on one over the other. if b-school is your goal, focus on gmat and your application. you can shoot for top 10. if you want to stay in finance, just get the cfa - you don't even need an mba.作者: ttss 时间: 2010-1-22 01:44
LZ是想继续做财经媒体还是深入finance领域更好的公司?作者: lostsapphire 时间: 2010-1-22 19:51
多谢楼上二位大侠指点! 我还是想读个MBA 找份金融领域的工作 做财经记者既是满足一下小时候不切实际的幻想 也自我修正一下在事务所里待了三年多俺越来越自闭的生活方式和越来越笨拙的嘴...