
标题: [求助]og-184-解释不明 [打印本页]

作者: Across    时间: 2004-3-26 09:43
标题: [求助]og-184-解释不明

184. As measured by the Commerce Department, corporate profits peaked in the fourth quarter of 1988 and have slipped since then, as many companies have been unable to pass on higher costs.fficeffice" />

(A) and have slipped since then, as many companies have been unable to pass on higher costs

(B) and have slipped since then, the reason being because many companies have been unable to pass on higher costs

(C) and slipped since then, many companies being unable to pass on higher costs

(D) but, many companies unable to pass on higher costs, they have slipped since thenA

(E) yet are slipping since then, because many companies were unable to pass on higher costs

A, the best choice, observes an appropriate sequence of verb tenses a single act in the past (peaked) followed by an extended activity reaching to the present (have slipped). The as clause states clearly the cause of the slippage. B suffers from the redundant and unidiomatic expression the reason being because.

In C, the use of the simple past slipped with since then is unidiomatic because since then denotes extended time.

In D, the intrusion of the awkward many... costs causes the antecedent of they to become unclear.

Furthermore, a comma should precede the but since it introduces a second independent clause. –这里好理解, 因为有新的主语many companies出现

In E, yet also requires a comma before it, ---为什么???为什么要在yet前面放逗号??

are slipping with since then is illogical, and were unable represents an ungrammatical tense shift.



114. From the bark of the paper birch tree the Menomini crafted a canoe about twenty feet long and two feet wide, with small ribs and rails of cedar, which could carry four persons or eight hundred pounds of baggage so light that a person could easily portage it around impeding rapids.

(A) baggage so light

(B) baggage being so light

(C) baggage, yet being so light

(D) baggage, and so lightE

(E) baggage yet was so light

两个题目的答案没问题. 就是逗号不明白, 求解释, 谢谢谢谢

作者: snow_mountain    时间: 2004-3-26 10:11
同样的疑问。而且第一例中,如果yet 前面必须加逗号,一个选项里面的and, 前面也应该加。从语法上讲他们的作用是一样的呀。只是语气不同。


作者: Across    时间: 2004-3-26 11:47
有没有人能回答? 谢谢谢谢

作者: jnlvo    时间: 2004-3-26 12:20
作者: Across    时间: 2004-3-26 12:28
以下是引用jnlvo在2004-3-26 12:20:00的发言:

作者: jnlvo    时间: 2004-3-26 13:29


作者: Across    时间: 2004-3-26 14:25
以下是引用jnlvo在2004-3-26 13:29:00的发言:



作者: weiyu    时间: 2004-3-26 17:32
Pumpkin MM的问题真好.通过查阅GMAT/LSAT RC, CR,发现ETSyet的用法有如下:fficeffice" />

Yet adv.

Have not yet.., does not yet…, and yet+动词是常见形式

Which one of the following principles, if valid, most helps to justify the position advocated above and yet places the least restriction on the allocation of funds by directors of charitable organizations?

Yet conj有四种形式

句子.Yet (,)+句子// 句子;Yet (,)+句子// 句子,yet+句子(只要是完整主谓结构就可以,不必是新的主语)//句子: yet (,)+句子

Pumpkin MM说:In D, the intrusion of the awkward many... costs causes the antecedent of they to become unclear.

Furthermore, a comma should precede the but since it introduces a second independent clause. –这里好理解, 因为有新的主语many companies出现 有不同看法 例如:The great medieval universities had no administrators, yet they endured for centuries.GMAT/LSAT CR

Many countries that are large consumers of sugarcane increased their production of sugarcane-based ethanol, yet their overall consumption of sugarcane decreased.

没有查到主语+谓语1+yet+谓语2的例子.ETS好像很少这么用. 这道题目是不是很特殊???


作者: jnlvo    时间: 2004-3-26 21:18
作者: Across    时间: 2004-3-27 00:06
标题: 回复:(weiyu)

Furthermore, a comma should precede the but since it introduces a second independent clause. –这里好理解, 因为有新的主语many companies出现 

有不同看法 例如:
The great medieval universities had no administrators, yet they endured for centuries.GMAT/LSAT CR


作者: weiyu    时间: 2004-3-27 00:23
知道了, Pumpkin MM. 我又误解你了, 对不起了
作者: Across    时间: 2004-3-27 00:34
以下是引用weiyu在2004-3-27 0:23:00的发言:
知道了, Pumpkin MM. 我又误解你了, 对不起了

嘻嘻嘻, 哥哥提醒的很是啊, 的确是偶没讲清楚...呵呵呵
作者: Across    时间: 2004-3-27 05:16
标题: 回复:(jnlvo)我想只能这么理解了:114的yet之所以不...
以下是引用jnlvo在2004-3-26 13:29:00的发言:


这个例子更好看: 一般偶们都说, and前面有逗号, 为了分开两个分句.

blablabla sb does sth, and sb does sth.    

og207. In the textbook publishing business, the second quarter is historically weak, because revenues are low and marketing expenses are high as companies prepare for the coming school year.fficeffice" />

(A)     low and marketing expenses are high as companies prepare

(B)         low and their marketing expenses are high as they prepare

(C)     low with higher marketing expenses in preparation

(D)     low, while marketing expenses are higher to prepare

(E)         low, while their marketing expenses are higher in preparation

为了避免, and marketing expenses are high as companies prepare脱离because的笼罩,


[此贴子已经被作者于2004-3-27 22:42:35编辑过]

作者: dreadpower    时间: 2004-3-27 10:27
     pumpkin    MM     的心真细啊!!好问题,好解释!精华




作者: Across    时间: 2004-3-27 11:12
以下是引用dreadpower在2004-3-27 10:27:00的发言:
     pumpkin    MM     的心真细啊!!好问题,好解释!精华



嘻嘻嘻, dreadpowerGG夸奖夸奖.都是零点大哥叮嘱的好: 突破语法靠OG. 偶5月要考试了, 肯定常常来这里, 还请GG多关照


[此贴子已经被作者于2004-3-27 11:18:30编辑过]

作者: dreadpower    时间: 2004-3-27 13:23

         ..., one can readily arrive the conclusion that advertisements can tell us about a nation's ideas yet    do not necessarily present all aspects of a nation's attitudes.





[此贴子已经被作者于2004-3-27 17:09:07编辑过]

作者: Across    时间: 2004-3-27 14:14
标题: 回复:(dreadpower) 再次严重感谢jnlvo和
以下是引用dreadpower在2004-3-27 13:23:00的发言:

         ..., one can readily arrive the conclusion that advertisements can tell us about a nation's ideas yet can not present all aspects of a nation's attitudes

8过, 两个CAN连用, 能不能改改??
one can readily arrive the conclusion that advertisements    tend to    tell us about a nation's ideas yet can not present all aspects of a nation's attitudes

作者: dreadpower    时间: 2004-3-27 17:10
作者: tianwan    时间: 2004-3-27 18:13
pumpkin的问题和jnlvo的解答让我明白了一个久未搞清楚的问题,这一题我做错了,这个逗号就是我做错的一个判据。当时这个问题没搞清楚,我标了一个openpoint在这个题目旁边,但忘了问了。Now it is closed. Thanks



作者: snow_mountain    时间: 2004-3-27 19:07
以下是引用tianwan在2004-3-27 18:13:00的发言:
pumpkin的问题和jnlvo的解答让我明白了一个久未搞清楚的问题,这一题我做错了,这个逗号就是我做错的一个判据。当时这个问题没搞清楚,我标了一个openpoint在这个题目旁边,但忘了问了。Now it is closed. Thanks

我也是。看了ETS的解释后还自以为是的做了个总结说:关于这个逗号的问题,只要不出现新主语,有没有都没关系。就把这个问题过掉了。没想到一个小小的逗号还学问不小呀。谢谢pumpkin MM。

同时也感谢dreadpower. 这种问题我们在作文中都会常犯呀。

作者: weiyu    时间: 2004-3-28 11:33
看看Pumpkin MM提供的巨好的语法网站;     没征得她的同意就擅自贴处. 别杂偶!!!!
作者: hpp920    时间: 2004-8-13 10:39

pumpkin MM的这个帖好棒, 顶!

作者: 唐三彩    时间: 2004-9-10 09:48


作者: 行缘    时间: 2006-3-6 18:19


1.and 和 yet规则相同



作者: mymengming    时间: 2008-5-20 10:07
Thank you for your message concerning question 184 in the Sentence
Correction section of The Official Guide for GMAT Review. You indicated that
you were confused by the explanation for why option (E) is incorrect.
The explanation does contain an error; while a comma before "yet" might be
added for emphasis, it is not required because, as you point out, "yet are
slipping since then" is not an independent clause. The rest of the
explanation does accurately describe the grammatical and rhetorical problems
with option (E).  
Again, thank you for taking the time to point out this error. We are always
grateful to receive inquiries such as yours because they help us to improve
the quality of our tests and test preparation materials.

作者: dcmczj    时间: 2008-8-27 05:03

up great !!!

作者: lxx0930    时间: 2015-2-22 11:58

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