题目结论是:Omega卖的好“就是”因为“catalog that mention “Made by Hand” label.”
A weaken原因是:
Omega卖的好,不一定因为“catalog that mention “Made by Hand” label.”,而且可能是因为“had previously purchases items from Omega Company by mail”。
这样,给出Omega卖的好的另外可能的原因,从而 weaken题目结论。告诉你,Omega卖的好可能与catalog带不带label无关哦!
D 加强原因是:
“catalogs that mention the label”版本,公司发1 million;“catalogs that did not mention the labe”版本,公司发3 million;
如果是这样的条件,那我们不是更加肯定“catalogs that mention the label”版本的效果了么?同时,我们也更加肯定题目中的结论,强调“catalogs that mention the label”比“catalogs that did not mention the labe”有经济效应!
-- by 会员 sunlight841206 (2010/1/12 9:24:50)