谢谢!作者: stonewall 时间: 2010-1-12 14:05
If that doesn't prolong your study and suck up ur $$, go ahead!
Frankly, no need for dual degree. you can choose RE as your MBA concentration or take some elective in RE department.
just my 2 cents作者: eternalkenji 时间: 2010-1-12 15:26
很多MBA学校有Focus on RE的,比如沃顿等作者: ball2003 时间: 2010-1-17 20:59
不用读房地产硕士。够用了。作者: equn 时间: 2010-1-22 10:08
恩 同意ball2003。作者: sophiadc 时间: 2010-3-5 03:00
看你的职业规划喽,你想进real estate, 年轻也不差钱,可以读dual. From my personal experience, practical experience is more important in real estate industry. In China, network is the key element. Now this area is dominated by the Hongkongese.