
标题: 大牛们再来讨论一下——关于大全561的个人看法 [打印本页]

作者: rt316    时间: 2004-3-25 02:41
标题: 大牛们再来讨论一下——关于大全561的个人看法
One pervasive theory explains the introduction of breakfast cereals in the early 1900s as a result of the growing number of automobiles, which led to a decline in horse ownership and a subsequent grain glut; by persuading people to eat what had previously been horse feed, market equilibrium was restored.

(A) by persuading people to eat what had previously been horse feed, market equilibrium was restored

(B) persuading people to eat what had previously been horse feed restored market equilibrium

(C) by persuading people to eat what had previously been horse feed, it restored market equilibrium

(D) the persuasion of people to eat what had previously been horse feed restored market equilibriumB

(E) market equilibrium was restored when people were persuaded to eat former horse feed

    问了一个老美,感觉D-the persuasion of sb to do读起来不舒服。

仔细查了用法,没有the persuasion of sb to do sth

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-3-26 1:49:07编辑过]

作者: mariezhu    时间: 2004-3-25 11:57

首先A,by persuading people to eat what had previously been horse feed, market equilibrium was restored, market equilibrium成了persuading..的modifier,不合逻辑;

C by persuading people to eat what had previously been horse feed, it restored market equilibrium, it没有合理的antecedent

D the persuasion of people to eat what had previously been horse feed restored market equilibrium,动词persuade和其名词persuasion两者间的意思是有偏差的,你可以体会一下,另外仔细注意你会发现,ETS在遇到抽象的、由动词演化来的名词时非常谨慎,一般能用动词就尽量避免名词。

E market equilibrium was restored when people were persuaded to eat former horse feed,逻辑意思有偏差,并非当。。。时,市场平衡恢复

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