Mel: The official salary for judges has always been too low to attract the best
Candidates to the job. The legislature’s move to raise the salary has
done nothing to improve the situation, because it was coupled with
a ban on receiving money for lectures and teaching engagements.
Pat: No, the raise in salary really does improve the situation. Since very few
judges teach or give lectures, the ban will have little or no negative
Pat’s response to Mel is inadequate in that it
A. attempts to assess how a certain change will affect potential members
of a group by providing evidence about its effect on the current members.
B. mistakenly takes the cause of a certain change to be an effect of that change
C. attempts to argue that a certain change will have a positive effect merely
by pointing to the absence of negative effects
D. simply denies Mel’s claim without putting forward any evidence in support
of that denial
E. assumes that changes that benefit the most able members of a group
necessarily benefit all members of that group.作者: prayer 时间: 2009-12-25 08:34
A选项跟作文里的一个题型很像,现在的不代表将来的作者: 冰蔷薇 时间: 2010-3-21 20:57
我也选的B,那么多讨论帖都是讨论C的,没人说下为什么B不对吗作者: victor_0610 时间: 2010-4-18 14:51
顶上去!我也是选的B,求解释~作者: shadow影 时间: 2010-4-19 22:38
a certain change是指raise the salary Cause就是The official salary for judges has always been too low to attract the best Candidates to the job. 哪里有将Cause变成Effect了呢?B是明显错的作者: dec0412 时间: 2010-5-23 10:04
C?作者: chy48339145 时间: 2010-6-2 15:40
A,Pat 用现有法官赚外快的比例不多来推断候选人中赚外快的比例也不多
C,Pat 通过除去新政中的不利影响来说明新政是成功的
明显 A 才是 Pat 的推理错误。
Pat 没有表明要除去 ban(不利因素),只说了 ban 对现有法官基本没有影响,并以此为基础推断潜在候选人基本也不受 Ban 的影响