作者: genimix 时间: 2009-12-17 11:34
After several years of rapid growth, the health care company became one of the largest health care providers in the metropolitan area, while it then proved unable to handle the increase in business, falling months behind in its payment to doctors and hospitals.
A. while it then proved unable to handle the increase in business, falling months behind in its payment to
B. while it then proved unable to handle the increase in business and fell months behind in its payment to
C. but then it proved unable to handle the increase in business, falling months behind in its paying
D. but then proving unable to handle the increase in business, falling months behind in paying
E. but then proved unable to handle the increase in business, falling months behind in paying
1. An outdoors man will soon become pale if he changes to an indoor job, while a desk clerk will take on a tan after a short vacation in the sun. 从事室外工作的人如果调到室内工作,不久肤色就会变白;而一个伏案工作的文员出去度个短假,就会被太阳变黑。
A和B中主要的错误是payment,fail in payment的不合逻辑的表达方式,fail in doing才符合逻辑。此题用while表“对照”和用but表“强转折”均没有逻辑含义的合理性问题,但while存在逻辑含义的层次问题。请注意A和B中是用it另起一个分句,且该分句是由while引导的居于从属地位的分句,因此全句重心在“After several years of rapid growth, the health care company became one of the largest health care providers in the metropolitan area,”。但显然本句中“proved unable to handle the increase in business”这个逻辑含义即使不能说比“became one of the largest health care providers”更重要,也至少应与“became one of the largest health care providers”同样重要,因此E答案用的是并列结构,更合理作者: genimix 时间: 2009-12-17 11:39
请大家一定注意,2008年后,GMAT SC的考试重心更偏重于逻辑含义的精确性,特别是含义表达的逻辑层次(即谁主谁次)。大家一定要领会到“逻辑是王道”的核心思想。从这个角度去看问题才是最准确有效的。当然,语法错误也能帮助我们去解决问题,排除选项,但当你的语法知识不能帮助你排除选项时,要换个角度,从逻辑含义层面分析,特别是从含义的主次层面分析,往往能够得到正确答案作者: genimix 时间: 2009-12-17 11:44
补:while引导的分句一般居于从属地位作者: dogshead 时间: 2009-12-17 11:57
有道理,谢谢作者: aeoluseros 时间: 2009-12-18 01:33
赞,讲到了精髓之处,GMAT的SC就应该从这样的思考角度着手。作者: aeoluseros 时间: 2009-12-23 15:33
-- by 会员 genimix (2009/12/17 11:44:38)
umm...关于这一条需要再讨论下... Industrialization and modern methods of insect control have improved the standard of living around the globe while at the same time they have introduced some 100,000 dangerous chemical pollutants, having gone virtually unregulated since they were developed more than 50 years ago.
(A) while at the same time they have introduced some 100,000 dangerous chemical pollutants, having
(B) while at the same time introducing some 100,000 dangerous chemical pollutants that have
(C) while they have introduced some 100,000 dangerous chemical pollutants at the same time, and have
(D) but introducing some 100,000 dangerous chemical pollutants at the same time that have
(E) but at the same time introduce some 100,000 dangerous chemical pollutants, having
Key: B
逻辑含义上,这里while的前后的含义貌似并没有分主从。不过“一般”二字appropriately maintain the intergrity of expression.问题也不大。却是while引导的一般是从属地位。只是有些题目还是不能简单根据这句来判断,while的从属地位并没有although这种引导词引导的从句明显。作者: joegmat 时间: 2009-12-24 00:24
2008年后,GMAT SC的考试重心更偏重于逻辑含义的精确性,特别是含义表达的逻辑层次(即谁主谁次)。 这句不枉费我凌晨看帖!!!作者: t8chang 时间: 2009-12-24 00:44
After several years of rapid growth, the health care company became one of the largest health care providers in the metropolitan area, while it then proved unable to handle the increase in business, falling months behind in its payment to doctors and hospitals.
A. while it then proved unable to handle the increase in business, falling months behind in its payment to
B. while it then proved unable to handle the increase in business and fell months behind in its payment to
C. but then it proved unable to handle the increase in business, falling months behind in its paying
D. but then proving unable to handle the increase in business, falling months behind in paying
E. but then proved unable to handle the increase in business, falling months behind in paying