以下是JJ: 作文: Issue:Employers should not obtain employees' health information and other personal information without the employees' permission.
Argument: Crunchy Cereal should redesign the box to show two advantages. 1. it contains 20% more V K than other brands. 2. A survey in Crunchy Cereal's consumers shows 75% of them prefer its taste.
数学: 足足有1/3是JJ上的,后悔JJ只看了1遍,很多题考的时候想不起来了。 1. 一艘船仰视一个灯塔顶是30度角,灯塔高20,问船到灯塔顶距离。 2.DS X绝对值+Y绝对值>X+Y的绝对值么? a,X<0 b,XY<0 3. 考了JJ里一个数X各位相加是170,X=10的20次方-Y,问Y最有可能。选47 4. jj里坐标系里两个圆是否相切的那个DS 5. 负的根号1600分之一,负的0.0025,负的0.1那个大 6.某同学开车走100mile的路程,前50mile开了2小时,后50mile开了3小时,问平均速度。我选的x+y分之100 7.DS 两个数列x和y的合集共30个数range是25,问x range>25? a, y有12个数,并且range是20(还是25,记不太清了) b,x有18个数 8.一个数列1,2,。。。。n和是S,问它的平均数是how much percentage of S,用n和S表达(好像是这样)