标题: 12月14日新加坡杀鸡,拿到满意分数,献大量狗只带题目,回报CD.付原文! [打印本页] 作者: pengchi 时间: 2009-12-14 19:12 标题: 12月14日新加坡杀鸡,拿到满意分数,献大量狗只带题目,回报CD.付原文! AWA: AA: The Easy Credit Card Company plans to donate some of its proceeds to a well-known Environmental Protection Organization to use the logo of the organization on its credit card. The manager of the company provided a survey showing that a large pert encage of public is concerned about the environment issues. And therefore the policy can help the company to attract more new customers to use its competing credit card service while holding the current users. Furthermore, the company can also charge at a higher interest rate. AI: The rising of multinational corporations is leading to a global homogeneity (原词) and make the regional difference disappear, for more and more similar products and service are provided by these corporations worldwide.
Mathe: 1. DS: 1003*997/x, (数大概是这个) 问这个数的nearest thousand unit 的数是多少。(类似寂静239题) A. X的十位数是8 B. 80<=X<90. 我选的B.
2. 根号X 和根号y都为integer. 然后问下面哪一个肯定是Integer 1) 根号(X+Y) 2)根号(xy) 3)记不得了 我选2),记得3)也是不对的 3. 两个两位数,x and y. their digits are the same, if reversed the digits, which one of the followings must be the factor of the sum of x + y. A)8, B)9 C)10 D)11 E) 13 我的理解是两个数的数字相同,但是位置不一样,比如23和32,然后颠倒一下,应该变为32和23,所以他们之和的公因子一定有11. 具体解法还请NN贡献。 其他题目很多都是寂静上面有的,能记起来的寂静上没有的就这几个了。
RC: 1.关于什么什么nationalist 搞女权主义的 第一段说nationalist搞女权主义的因为限于需要得到占社会主要阶层的男人的支持,他们的女权主义不能是一种翻天覆地来改变女人subordination的地位,因此只能是一种articulate respond to the 男人阶层,而不是反应女人的翻身要求。正因为如此,他们的女权运动只能是pragmatic的,在不触及男人权力(因为能支持这些nationalist的当权男人no interest to 提高女人地位)下给仍然从事家务工作的女人带来些实际好处(此处有题目)。 第二段举了一个南非的例子,好像是说当地的女权运动和反对种族隔离制度同时兴起,相辅相成,所以nationalist 有更多的空间去提高女人的地位(和第一段的nationalist比起来)。然后还说这种情况好像不只在南非有。 题目: 1)问以下那一个例子反映了nationalist着重给妇女带来pragmatic的利益而不是改变她们地位的? 我选了第一个选项: A) Nationalist们提高会要求提高男人们的工资,这样这些男人的在家工作的老婆(她们无生活来源,全靠老公) 就有更多钱去给她们的小孩子买奶粉。 2) 此篇文章想说的主要问题是什么 我选了以下这个选项,其他记不得了 说明了为什么南非的nationalist可以不同于其他的nationalist提高女人的地位,而不只是带给她们pragmatic的好处 2.关于公司为销售留库存的 (GWD原题) 24 套GWD22: 35 - 37 Why firms adhere to or deviate from their strategic plans is poorly understood. However, theory and limited research suggest that the process through which such plans emerge may play a part. In particular, top management decision-sharing—consensus-oriented, team-based decision-making—may increase the (10) likelihood that firms will adhere to their plans, because those involved in the decision-making may be more committed to the chosen course of action, thereby increasing the likelihood that (15) organizations will subsequently adhere to their plans. Companies that must determine well in advance of the selling season how many units of a new product to manufacture often underproduce products that sell well and have overstocks of others. The increased incidence in recent years of mismatches between production and demand seems ironic, since point-of-sale scanners have improved data on consumers’ buying patterns and since flexible manufacturing has enabled companies to 24 produce, cost-effectively, small quantities of goods. This type of manufacturing has greatly increased the number of new products introduced annually in the United States. However, frequent introductions of new products have two problematic side effects. For one, they reduce the average lifetime of products; more of them are neither at the beginning of their life (when prediction is difficult) or at the end of their life (when keeping inventory is expensive because the products will soon become obsolete). For another, as new products proliferate, demand is divided among a growing number of stock-keeping units (SKU’s). Even though manufacturers and retailers can forecast aggregate demand with some certainty, forecasting accurately how that demand will be distributed among the many SKU’s they sell is difficult. For example, a company may be able to estimate accurately the aggregate number of shoes it will sell, but it may be uncertain about which specific types of shoes will sell more than other types. 问题有些不一样: 1) 从这篇文章可以推断出对不同SKU’s的销量估计不准会如何: 我选了这个答案: Will not prevent the enterprise from predicting the aggregate demand with some certainly. 这个答案应该是对的,因为原文中讲了 (Even though manufacturers and retailers can forecast aggregate demand with some certainty, forecasting accurately how that demand will be distributed among the many SKU’s they sell is difficult. 2) GWD 原题 选D According to the passage, which of the following has led to growth in the number of new products introduced in the United States each year? A. Reduced average lifetime of products B. Increased ability to forecast aggregate demand C. More cost-effective ways of keeping inventory for products D. !Cost-effective production of small quantities of goods E. Increased ability to divide demand among a number of SKU’s and to forecast how that demand will be distributed among those SKU’s
第二段讲这些语言虽然千差万别,但是科学家们正试图找到一个方法来找到所有语言的共同点。中间又说了啥子虽然所有的structure of Japanese和that of English is different(此处有个列举的细节题目,问哪一个作者NOT claim,这个日文和英文structure就列在里面了,是介绍过的),但是通过这些东东就可以找到共同点。
A. The stucture of all Janpanese is different with that of English...(作者在第二段中介绍了)
B. 区别x(好像是R打头的一种语言,印度那边的)语言和英语,可以用三个factors (注意第一段factors 和 parameter的关系)来确定。。。(貌似原文没有介绍过,我选的这个,但是不确定)
C. x, y语言受到的什么regional imapct好像不能来说明他们语言的差异性 (记不清楚了)
2) 作者在最后一段提到门捷列夫的元素周期表是什么目的 (选项顺序不对)
A. 作者说明什么科学态度来解决问题,和化学一样云云
B. 作者用这个来说明语言研究的前景与方向(我选的这个)
其他选项记不得了 CR: 我贡献一些寂静上没有的吧 1. 一直有争论说drink coffee会不会带来insomnia. 现在科学家们通过了很多的调查,发现那些喝咖啡很多的人都有insomnia,所以喝咖啡会带来这个insomnia. 问那一个选项会weaken这些科学家的说法 我选这个: 那些insomnia的人会选择喝咖啡来保持他们的精神状态,因为他们睡得少。 2.说在Sahara Desert发现了一些壁画,上面画着一些人拿着什么Arrow啥子的,然后好像碳定位法不能定位出这些壁画的时间,所以科学家们猜测这些壁画可能产生与A时代(A时代是 B时代的早期时代,是B时代的子集)。因为A时代人用这些Arrow什么的。 问以下那个选项可以用来评估科学家的说法 我选了这个: 不是所有B时代的人都用这个 Arrow(也就是说只用过一个时间段) 3. 说因为使用化石燃料带来严重污染,导致温室效应,所以新能源的使用要实行。但是因为新能源短期内不会可行(好像是因为比较贵还是什么的),政府就只能鼓励大家通过更高效的使用现在的化石能源来mitigate这些污染。 问weaken政府的说法, A. 化石燃料产生的温室效应是累积的,只要排放,就会持续产生温室效应 B. 其他地方有的政府采用了这个policy,收到了好效果 C. Many governments do not have the enough money and facilities to implement the policy D. 一旦政府encourage大家节约能源,石化燃料的消费就会下降