
标题: 明天考试了 急问 在线等! [打印本页]

作者: pipilovelail    时间: 2009-12-14 19:04
标题: 明天考试了 急问 在线等!
3.    (24275-!-item-!-188;#058&000768)

The prairie vole, a small North American grassland rodent, breeds year-round, and a group of voles living together consists primarily of an extended family, often including two or more litters.  Voles commonly live in large groups from late autumn through winter; from spring through early autumn, however, most voles live in far smaller groups.  The seasonal variation in group size can probably be explained by a seasonal variation in mortality among young voles.

Which of the following, if true, provides the strongest support for the explanation offered?

(A) It is in the spring and early summer that prairie vole communities generally contain the highest proportion of young voles.

(B) Prairie vole populations vary dramatically in size from year to year.

(C) The prairie vole subsists primarily on broad-leaved plants that are abundant only in spring.

(D) Winters in the prairie voles' habitat are often harsh, with temperatures that drop well below freezing.

(E) Snakes, a major predator of young prairie voles, are active only from spring through early autumn.

为什么选E啊 逻辑思路不理解

作者: sasha_wen    时间: 2009-12-21 21:17
作者: girlwithwings    时间: 2009-12-22 08:25
Group Size 大:late autumn through winter
                小:from spring through early autumn
结论是季节的变化决定Group Size

E :春天有蛇出没,捕获voles, 所以 Size 小,与原文一致

D :冬天寒冷,影响Habitat,那应该Size变小吧,与原文不符。

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