标题: OG-12 第10题 [打印本页] 作者: rx_11 时间: 2009-12-7 22:19 标题: OG-12 第10题 10. Cable-television spokesperson: Subscriptions to cable television are a bargain in comparison to “free” television. Remember that “free” television is not really free. It is consumers, in the end, who pay for the costly advertising that supports “free” television. Which of the following, if true, is most damaging to the position of the cable-television spokesperson? (A) Consumers who do not own television sets are less likely to be influenced in their purchasing decisions by television advertising than are consumers who own television sets. (B) Subscriptions to cable television include access to some public-television channels, which do not accept advertising. (C) For locations with poor television reception, cable television provides picture quality superior to that provided by free television. (D) There is as much advertising on many cabletelevision channels as there is on “free” television channels. (E) Cable-television subscribers can choose which channels they wish to receive.
ETS答案: Argument Evaluation Situation A cable-television spokesperson argues that cable fees are a bargain since so-called “free” television is actually paid for by consumers who underwrite the cost of advertising. Reasoning Which point weakens the spokesperson’s argument? Th e spokesperson’s argument compares the bargain price of a subscription to cable television with the “price” of the costly advertising on “free” television. Consider what situation would undermine this comparison. What if cable television, in addition to its subscription fee, airs just as much advertising as does “free” television? Th en the cable subscriber is paying twice, and the spokesperson’s argument that cable television is a bargain in comparison to “free” television is weakened. A People who do not watch television are irrelevant to the argument. B Th e fact that cable television subscriptions include access to advertising-free public-television channels does not weaken the argument that “free” television is not free. C Th e picture quality of cable and free television are not at issue in this argument. D Correct. Th is statement properly identifi es a factor that weakens the spokesperson’s argument: If the cost of the advertising on “free” television is ultimately passed on to consumers in the prices they pay for the advertised product, and many cable channels have comparable amounts of advertising, then cable television will necessarily have the same kind of hidden cost as “free” television. E Television viewers who do not watch cable channels have a choice as to which channels and programs they view. For example, they could watch channels with no advertising. So this information does not diff erentiate cable-television viewers from “free”-television viewers. Th e correct answer is D.
求教一下~~请问E选项为什么错了?E选项不是说Cable-television subscribers 可以选择其他channel吗?那也就是说Cable-television subscribers也可以收到"free" television 的广告了,那不是和正确答案D选项一个意思吗?都是说Cable-television 的广告和"free" television 的广告一样多,那E不是就对了?
谢谢啊!小弟初次来问题。。总觉得自己还是有一层障碍没有突破,,我说不清楚是自己对题设的理解还不够精确到位还是思路问题~~~恳请大侠们赐教。。。。!还有一个疑问就是。。E选项是不是我推理得太远了?GMAT逻辑题只推理一步?还是我理解错了?作者: kray003 时间: 2009-12-7 22:40
maybe there are some channels without ads.. key point: ads作者: zscsl 时间: 2009-12-7 23:52
这个。。逻辑做的是一个充分性的。谁说可以选择其他的channel 就一定能收到和free tv 一样多的广告呢。。。所以相比较还是D比较好。直接明了。。E有太多的不确定性。。作者: phanly 时间: 2009-12-8 06:02
"那也就是说Cable-television subscribers也可以收到"free" television 的广告了" 没有人告诉你这一点,题目中也没有透漏,千万不能乱猜 首先排除ace,明显无关 b迷惑很大,但其实想一下,b是在支持position,所以秒杀选d 至于e: 整个句子性质是在说,subscriber选频道的喜好问题,和题目中spokeman的观点相差很大,spokeman是说,其实free并不free 频道和free之间的联系,广告,e中没有显示,所以你选e,跳跃太大,逻辑错误作者: rx_11 时间: 2009-12-8 09:35
感谢楼上的三位!我好像明白了。。是不是说答案一定要是“有此答案,必有题设的结论发生”?这个是不是就叫充分性?我一直打算不看充分必要这些概念,我觉得越搅越昏,直接读懂题用正常智力去做就好。。答案是不是都要选择充分性的这种?作者: oukiduki 时间: 2009-12-9 10:25
这道题的逻辑是这样的: 那个人说要subscribe cable TV, 因为天下没有免费的午餐。如果看免费电视要忍受广告的折磨, 所以免费电视其实并不是免费的。 答案D说, 如果cable TV和免费电视一样有很多广告的话, 对消费者来说,既要付费,还要受广告的折磨。那么等于是白白付了钱。所以这就weaken 的那个人的说法。作者: fearfree 时间: 2009-12-9 10:57
答案D还是比较明显的。同意lv2 的说法作者: yigengzhuzi 时间: 2011-3-11 08:52
E Television viewers who do not watch cable channels have a choice as to which channels and programs they view. For example, they could watch channels with no advertising. So this information does not diff erentiate cable-television viewers from “free”-television viewers.
对E的解释有疑惑。。。 E—— Cable-television subscribers can choose which channels they wish to receive 明明讲的是cable-television订阅的人才可以选择啊,为什么解释中说“没有看cable channels”的人可以选择啊??? 矛盾啊~~~作者: FireSherry 时间: 2011-6-30 14:57
看了这么多解释还是不太明白……T T 如果把OG上的解释直译过来是:如果free TV上的广告成本都转嫁给了消费者(这个成本是消费者最终付给广告产品的费用),同时cable TV上也有相同数量的广告,那么cable TV必然也有类似free TV的隐藏成本。 感觉解释的即晦涩又曲折啊有木有!!看完感觉神马都没有解释出来啊!! 感觉5L的仁兄解释的有点儿道理但就是说不清哪儿差一点儿没通!!!! 求高人现身赐教!!!!!!!作者: FireSherry 时间: 2011-6-30 15:04
是不是说如果free TV上的广告成本要都转嫁给了消费者的话,那其他有线电视就都该用free TV的名义转嫁隐藏成本了~??? 但现在事实是有线电视没有这么做~~说明他们俩还是有本质不同的???? 也就是说free TV没有将广告费用转嫁给消费者,所以削弱了原文???作者: FireSherry 时间: 2011-7-11 12:37
求牛牛………………………………T T