标题: 请教一个考试题目风格的问题 [打印本页] 作者: genimix 时间: 2009-11-23 14:14 标题: 请教一个考试题目风格的问题 10. The fear of rabies is well founded: few people are known to recover from the disease after the appearance of the clinical symptoms.
(A) few people are known to recover from the disease after the appearance of the clinical symptoms
(B) few people are known to have recovered from the disease once the clinical symptoms have appeared
(C) there are few known people who have recovered from the disease once the clinical symptoms have appeared
(D) after the clinical symptoms appear, there are few known people who have recovered from the disease
(E) recovery from the disease is known for only a few people after the clinical symptoms appear
ved to have done结构,表明have done这个动作在ved之前就存在的含义。(其实本来是had done的,但是由于ved to do是固定搭配,使得had在不定式后要用have原形)
关于known的用法: 当be known 和 do sth的发生的时间一致时,用be known to do sth; 而do sth发生在be known之前时,则要用be known to have done sth。 还要进一步强调be known也是过去的时候就用have been known to have done。
这题have recovered from the disease 是在人们known之前就发生的了,所以属于这种用法。作者: jenny1989 时间: 2009-11-23 22:52
例如OG也有道这样用法的题 OG12-73:Combining enormous physical strength with higher intelligence, the Neanderthals appear to have been equipped to face any obstacle the environment could put in their path,but their relatively sudden disappearance during the Paleolithic era indicates that an inability to adapt to some environmental change led to their extinction. 翻译成:Neanderthals过去看起来似乎已经。。说明Neanderthals 已经灭绝了。 Appear和后边的indicates并列,说明都是现在才发生的,而N在很多年前就灭绝了,所以to have been equipped肯定是发生在appear之前。作者: jenny1989 时间: 2009-11-23 22:57
once和after的问题 once 自从 after从。。以后 其实两者区别不是很大 如果对这个点不熟的话就不要用这个似是而非的点排除选项 忠于原文不见得是死磕A选项的每一个词,关键还是看逻辑含义的合理性
宾语从句可以省略that 当主句主语和宾语从句的主语不影响我们正确理解的时候 当然比较少见 GMAC喜欢加上that的 不用太过纠结小细节作者: ninamikou 时间: 2012-8-16 11:45