阅读:1.第一段:telephone industry 推行了一种商业模式--deregulation.然后说这个D怎么这么样。。第二段:把telephone industry和 music industry 做了比较 。说人们通常认为这两个行业用的是一样的商业模式, 但是作者说不是这样的 他们有一个很大的不同点。。。。然后作者就得出结论说其实telephong industry采用的不是 deregulation ,而是把什么transfer成了什么。。2.一屏多,我都静不下心来做。。。但是MS考古上有类似的。。就是讲古代人和动物的teeth chew things 和现在的不一样。。做了很多实验什么的。。(这篇4道题有3道是逻辑, 而且题全是围绕最后一个结论说的,但是选项是要到前几段去找的!!做的我泪奔。。。。)
Consumers planning to buy recreational equipment tend to buy higher quality,more expensive equipment when the economy is strong than when it is weak. Hill and Dale is a business that sells high-quality, expensive camping and hiking equipment in Boravia. Although all the signs are that Boravia’s economy is now entering a period of sustained strength, the managers of the business do not expect a substantial increase in sales.
Which of the following, if true, would provide the strongest