标题: 一道看不懂的逻辑题,题干到底想表达什么?! [打印本页] 作者: felixfanghr 时间: 2009-11-10 18:54 标题: 一道看不懂的逻辑题,题干到底想表达什么?! George Bernard Shaw wrote: “That any sanenation, having observed that you could provide for the supply of bread by givingbakers a pecuniary interest in baking for you, should go on to give a surgeon apecuniary interest in cutting off your leg is enough to make one despair ofpolitical humanity.”
Shaw’s statement would best serve as anillustration in an argument criticizing which of the following?
(A) Dentistswho perform unnecessary dental work in order to earn a profit
(B) Doctors whoincrease their profits by specializing only in diseases that affect a largepercentage of the population
(C) Grocers whoraise the price of food in order to increase their profit margins
(D) Oilcompanies that decrease the price of their oil in order to increase theirmarket share(A)
(E) Bakers andsurgeons who earn a profit by supplying other peoples’ basic needs
各位大牛帮帮忙啦~作者: verylotus 时间: 2009-11-10 20:28
任何一个理智的民族,在知道你会为了得到面包而支付给烘焙者一定的金钱利益之后,就会愿意为了得到金钱利益而进行切掉你的腿的手术。。这种现象足以让我们对政治化的人性感到失望 要理清这句话的主谓宾。这句话主句是That is enough to make one despair ofpolitical humanity 中间那一长窜修饰that,是这个事实让人失望。。。整句表达的观点就是人们会为了追逐金钱利益而不择手段的本质。。。 题目问这一段话可以用来作为批判什么的例证 A完全符合要求 说牙医为了获得利润进行不必要的牙科手术。。作者: TheAssembly 时间: 2009-11-10 23:06
貌似是一道LSAT逻辑题~顶LS作者: bayerner 时间: 2009-11-11 09:34
强大的1L 膜拜………………看了下题干就知道是LSAT了