
标题: 求教:GWD-31-Q30 [打印本页]

作者: bluefirmamen    时间: 2009-11-7 10:18
标题: 求教:GWD-31-Q30
30. GWD-31-Q30
The United States petroleum industry’s cost to meet environmental regulations is projected at ten percent of the price per barrel of refined petroleum by the end of the decade

A.    The United States petroleum industry’s cost to meet environmental regulations is projected at ten percent of the price per barrel of refined petroleum by the end of the decade.
B.    It is estimated that by the end of the decade the cost to the United States petroleum industry of meeting environmental regulations will be ten percent of the price per barrel of refined petroleum.
C.    By the end of the decade, the United States petroleum industry’s cost of meeting environmental regulations is projected at ten percent of the price per barrel of refined petroleum.
D.    To meet environmental regulations, the cost to the United States petroleum industry is estimated at ten percent of the price per barrel of refined petroleum by the end of the decade.
E.    The United States petroleum industry’s cost by the end of the decade to meet environmental regulations is estimated at ten percent of the price per barrel of refined petroleum.
另外B中的用法cost to the United States petroleum industry of meeting environmental regulations总觉得别扭,是否用限定性定语从句来修cost更好些?
作者: bluefirmamen    时间: 2009-11-7 12:51
作者: bluefirmamen    时间: 2009-11-7 21:54
作者: aeoluseros    时间: 2009-11-8 01:23
B the best Choice A, C, D, and E are awkward and confusing. In A, for example, the issue is not the industry’s cost but the cost to the industry; also, to meet should be of meeting here, projected at is unidiomatic, and by the end of the decade is placed so that its meaning is unclear.

C and D suffer from many of the same problems.

The wording of E implies that cost… is estimated in order to meet environmental regulations.

B alone makes a logical statement and varies verb tense to indicate that the issue is present estimates of future costs. The question is moderately difficult.
作者: aeoluseros    时间: 2009-11-8 01:28
industry's cost或cost of industry  工业的价格
the cost to the industry   工业成本

to calculate what something will be in the future, using the information you have now
  The company projected an annual growth rate of 3%.
所以可以发现,be projected后面不应该跟at,否则unidiomatic.
作者: bluefirmamen    时间: 2009-11-8 08:12
industry's cost或cost of industry  工业的价格
the cost to the industry   工业成本

也就是说project +A +B,省略that这种用法才是地道的,那么如果正确答案B中的estimate换作是project也一样正确是么?都是“估计”的意思阿(宾从引导词that不省略)
另project的这种用法和estimate / believe / announce + AB 是一个道理吧?

作者: aeoluseros    时间: 2009-11-8 12:39
嗯,B里面也可以用Projected. it is projected that也是对的,比如:It is projected that Canary Wharf will become a Wall Street on water, serving an expanding financial center hard-pressed for space in the mile-square City of London, and provide up to 60,000 jobs.
作者: bluefirmamen    时间: 2009-11-8 18:31
作者: crown48    时间: 2011-2-9 16:59
作者: mengcherry0410    时间: 2011-2-18 13:15
作者: chongyi    时间: 2011-2-18 13:23
D中逻辑主语错误 to meet的主语变成了句子主语the cost很显然不行
作者: Dianakisscat    时间: 2011-2-18 13:27
to xxxx这种用法在GMAT里面是很wordy的

既然可以放到一个整句里,为什么要单独拖出来弄个“to XXX”呢
作者: castle0218    时间: 2011-6-17 15:37
作者: Shelly118    时间: 2011-7-12 18:11
可是prep08版语法笔记中说in order to 和 to 不需要考虑逻辑主语啊?
作者: nemiah    时间: 2011-7-12 18:30
我觉得这个题的一个很tricky的地方是by the end of the decade 的位置。 如果放在句末,有可能是变成修饰 was projected at.. 变成逻辑错误。 为了修饰整个句子,应该把它放在句首,不知道我的理解对不。请NN指正。。
作者: jameshzd    时间: 2011-7-26 11:11
可是prep08版语法笔记中说in order to 和 to 不需要考虑逻辑主语啊?
-- by 会员 Shelly118 (2011/7/12 18:11:21)

作者: wendygoon    时间: 2011-8-24 17:24
the cost to meeting the regulation不能变。
作者: yvonnemirror    时间: 2011-9-25 19:12
D选项中to meet....不可以不定式做状语么,需要逻辑一致么?
什么时候用of meeting什么时候 to meet啊?
作者: 大笑丸子    时间: 2012-2-11 20:08
想知道C怎么错了~除了那个industry's cost?
作者: macao417    时间: 2012-3-22 21:45
作者: purpleicee    时间: 2012-5-22 15:35
作者: sexilike    时间: 2013-3-2 06:33
D中estimated 搭配错误,应该是estimated to be
作者: fanofkaka    时间: 2013-5-16 14:36
Dianakisscat 发表于 2011-2-18 13:27
to xxxx这种用法在GMAT里面是很wordy的既然可以放到一个整句里,为什么要单独拖出来弄个“to XXX”呢 ...

B 中 “cost to ...industry of meeting "
作者: fanofkaka    时间: 2013-5-16 14:43
aeoluseros 发表于 2009-11-8 01:23
B the best Choice A, C, D, and E are awkward and confusing. In A, for example, the issue is not the  ...

什么时候用of meeting 什么时候用to meet 呢?求指导。
作者: Dianakisscat    时间: 2013-5-17 09:04
fanofkaka 发表于 2013-5-16 14:36
B 中 “cost to ...industry of meeting "

B.It is estimated that (by the end of the decade) the cost (to the United States petroleum industry of meeting environmental regulations) will be ten percent of the price (per barrel of refined petroleum).

可以简化为It's estimated that the cost will be ten percent of the price.

关于the cost (to the United States petroleum industry of meeting environmental regulations),后面的纯粹是后置定语。

作者: fanofkaka    时间: 2013-5-17 10:09
Dianakisscat 发表于 2013-5-17 09:04
B.It is estimated that (by the end of the decade) the cost (to the United States petroleum industr ...


我还有个问题。那这部分定语to~~ of ~~是可以直接并列使用的么?

作者: Dianakisscat    时间: 2013-5-17 21:14
fanofkaka 发表于 2013-5-17 10:09

我还有个问题。那这部分定语to~~ of ~~是可以直接并列使用的么?

如果是我在考试的时候遇到这个题,我不会pay too much attention on it.

I'll think it's not significant. And the expression does make sense.

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