1 The Glass House Mountains in Queensland, Australia, were sighted in 1770 by the English navigator Captain James Cook, by whom they were named supposedly because its sheer wet rocks glistened like glass.
(A) by whom they were named supposedly because its
(B) by whom they were named supposedly and their
(C) naming them supposedly since their
(D) who so named them supposedly because their
(E) who so named it since supposedly their
(C)答案说,因为这道题的主语是"The Glass House Mountains",而不是"James Cook",所以用naming指代James Cook是错误的。但naming直接接在James Cook的后面,应该指代的就是James Cook吧。是不是前面加了","后,后面的-ing或-ed短语都直接指向整个句子的主语,而不是指代它临近的名词了?
-- by 会员 lianghingis (2009/11/6 12:50:20)
1 The Glass House Mountains in Queensland, Australia, were sighted in 1770 by the English navigator Captain James Cook, by whom they were named supposedly because its sheer wet rocks glistened like glass.
(A) by whom they were named supposedly because its
(B) by whom they were named supposedly and their
(C) naming them supposedly since their
(D) who so named them supposedly because their
(E) who so named it since supposedly their
(C)答案说,因为这道题的主语是"The Glass House Mountains",而不是"James Cook",所以用naming指代James Cook是错误的。但naming直接接在James Cook的后面,应该指代的就是James Cook吧。是不是前面加了","后,后面的-ing或-ed短语都直接指向整个句子的主语,而不是指代它临近的名词了?
-- by 会员 lianghingis (2009/11/6 12:50:20)
-- by 会员 hzyhzygold (2010/10/10 12:55:48)