貌似大家对工作几年再去读macc不是很赞成~ 我也在犹豫。。。 工作以后再打算读书的事真的是困难重重。 光心理这关就够折磨人的作者: verylotus 时间: 2009-11-6 10:33
呵呵,原来是姐姐呢。。。我是在校生,也是读会计的呢。。。工作了为什么要读master呢,我很想读mba呢,可是没工作经验的人家不要的,所以只能计划着去读master。。。据说读出来也还是进四大的,郁闷的嘞,有时候在坛子里听人家说的都不想出去了。。。。。作者: dio123456 时间: 2009-11-17 12:25
Why u need help from agents? 5W is the agent fee? Crazy. I should consider doing this for a lower price, and even do a better job than those agents.
But if the agent is not claiming that he has connection in some university, that means he is at least not bluffing.