61. Even at its best, a government is a tremendous burden to business, though a necessary one. 即使在最好的情况下,政府也是企业的巨大负担,虽然是一个必要的负担。
1 政府调节经济的必要性 段落大意:垄断是当今经济的一个普遍现象,有利也有弊。为了减少消极的一面,政府部门必须征订法规加以控制。 One of the functions of the government is to maintain the stability and the well being of our economy. In doing so, it has to keep a sufficient level of competition in the markets by regulating some monopolists' prices, as well as directing the quality of public services. The goal for the government is to establish the same prices that might exist if there were competition. Local and state governments regulate many of the natural monopolies such as telephone service, and gas and electrical utilities. Usually it is a public commission or other government agency that approves of prices for their services. If the company wants a change in the charged rates, then it must argue its case before the commission. Privately owned agencies, such as the Federal Reserve system, have certain regulatory powers including the power to regulate the money supply (i.e. cutting interest rates), some bank operations, and even bank mergers.
2 美国法规与经济 段落大意:美国政府部门制定了很多法律法规,这对企业看似是负担,但却是为了社会的稳定和经济的良性运行。 Government regulation at the federal and state levels has a major impact on how businesses operate in the United States. In order to manage business activities in a complex society and to help respond to changing societal needs, governments have created numerous regulatory agencies. Although the duties and functions of each agency vary, all influence the day-to-day business activities that take place within the United States. Businesses that take a proactive stance toward understanding and complying with regulatory agencies will minimize their chance of fines, prosecution, or other regulatory action. Therefore, it is in the best interest of businesses to maintain healthy relationships with regulatory agencies at all levels of government. Among the business activities regulated by government are competitive practices, industry-specific activities, general issues of concern, and monetary regulations.
3 美国经济中政府角色的转变 段落大意:过去一百多年,美国政府对经济从消极干预转变为积极干预,原因在于为了稳定市场,促进社会发展。 In the early years of American history, most political leaders were reluctant to involve the federal government too heavily in the private sector, except in the area of transportation. In general, they accepted the concept of laissez-faire, a doctrine opposing government interference in the economy except to maintain law and order. This attitude started to change during the latter part of the 19th century, when small business, farm, and labor movements began asking the government to intercede on their behalf. By the turn of the century, a middle class had developed that was leery of both the business elite and the somewhat radical political movements of farmers and laborers in the Midwest and West. Known as Progressives, these people favored government regulation of business practices to ensure competition and free enterprise. Government involvement in the economy increased most significantly during the New Deal of the 1930s. The 1929 stock market crash had initiated the most serious economic dislocation in the nation's history, the Great Depression (1929-1940). President Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945) launched the New Deal to alleviate the emergency. 如上所例,本书对于GMAT ISSUE写作的全部17大类话题以及GMAT官方题库的每一个题目给出了近千个论证素材段落以及论据素材段落,相信这本书以及这套书的出版可真正提高大家写作能力以及扩展英文表达的内容量以及信息量,真正做到“言之有物”。