1.Amy's grade was the 90th percentile of the 80 grades for her class. Of the 100 grades from another class, 19 were higher than Amy's, and the rest were lower. If no other grade was the same as Amy's grade, then Amy's grade was what percentile of the grades of the two classes combined?
这题答案为85th. 我主要是不理解"percentile",我查了一下是说高于总分百分之几的分数,怎么理解啊?
2.DS 题
The intergers m and p are such that 2<m<p and m is not a factor of p. If r is the reminder when p is divided by m, is r>1?
(1)the greatest common factor of m and p is 2.
(2) the least common mutiple of m and p is 30
这题选A。 但是(2)不行吗? 还有这题具体解法是什么啊?
3.If m and r are two numbers on a number line, what is the value of r?
(1) The distance between r and 0 is 3 times the distance between m and 0
(2) 12 is halfway between m and r
答案为E。 为什么不是C啊?
20号二战。 今天做了模拟,不是一般的差。哎
第一题是这样的。percentile 这个词就好比是 ,30% discount,按中文是7折对吧。那个也是一样,90 percentile就是第10名,在她们班80分以上的里面。按你说的,高于总分90%,你说她分高还是分低噢?明显高嘛~
所以 她在本班第10,在那个班第20,两个班加起来平均下就是15名。所以85 percentile.
(1)说最大公约数是2,那m p必须是偶数,任意两个偶数间最小间隔都是2,说明这个r最小最小都会是2,当然能判断了。
(2)说最大公倍数是30,一般建议你把30写成1*2*3*5.然后你进行排列组合看,就4组。比如m is5,p is 6,r=1.m is3,p is 10,r=3.就无法判断了吧。
m=-12 r=36.m=6,r=18.不能画数轴··呵呵。你自己画图结合我的答案就明白了。
第三题我看懂了。不过对于第一题我还有些疑问。为什么不用80*(1-90%)得8, 而直接得到10呢? 还有你说的平均是什么意思。
lz 你用8算出来的结果是一样的
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