想问一下有谁了解这个公司么?里面的组织架构主要分哪几大类呢? 在里面做consultant的话,收入水平大概是多少阿?career path 是怎么样的呢?
想问一下有谁了解这个公司么?里面的组织架构主要分哪几大类呢? 在里面做consultant的话,收入水平大概是多少阿?career path 是怎么样的呢?
Don't know the exact org chart of DDI, but it is famous for its Talent Assessment&Development service, which can rank about top 5 in revenure perspective. The junior consultant in HR counsulting firm starts from 10k to 15k per month, don't know the exact number for DDI.
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